TFF has delivered some cracking tactics, but I can't keep going back to supernova balanced v3
Just class.

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TFF has delivered some cracking tactics, but I can't keep going back to supernova balanced v3
Just class.

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Are the OI's for Supernova the same as for Conqueror?

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I'm using Galego's tweak, anyone perform better with Conqueror and can recommend switching over?
OI's are the same for all his tactics

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help please

Sunfire V3. Im using this tactic and its been brillliant for 3 seasons, now my squad harmony is low and i have unhapy players which is costing me points agaisnt teams ive beatien easily before, can anone help please?
schedule friendlies against weak opponents so you'll easily win and morale will increase
Guys is there a version with AMC position and does it work?
A link please?

Can anyone post all the vortex tactics (v1,2,3,4) with all the relevant information (OI, man marking, player attributes) I'm especially interested in Vortex v4. I can't find it in this thread. Cheers.
Hi everyone! I used the tff tactics in Fm 15, took a break with fm16 and now see that there are new tff tactics. Is there a place or file where just all tff tactics from fm16 summed up cause i'm getting lost in these 500 pages of replies with various tactics between it
Is this tactic for 16.2 version? (I know that I am boring but I am trying to find perfect tactic for that version :D)