
Feb 4, 2012
Reaction score
September 8th, 2010.
Montbéliard, France.


I had landed, in the country that was soon to be my new home. I had my luggage, clothes, phone, computer, everything.

*BZZT* *BZZT*, vibrates my phone, as I pull it out, I read the name of the person that is calling me; 'Alexandre Lacombe', I answer..

Me: Hello, Mr. Lacombe.
Lacombe: Hello, Karolis.. I see that your flight has landed in Montbèliard. There'll be a taxi waiting outside for your presence, when you get in the taxi will take you to our headquarters. Oh yeah, welcome to your new home.
Me: Thank you, Mr. Lacombe, I'm going toward the taxi now.

As I click the red hang up button, I know what I'm in for, a new change to my life, the day it all changes.
I get into the cab, and I whistle out a 'Bonjour' to the cab driver, which he then turns around and and smiles, he turns on the engine and starts driving.

Half an hour later.
I finally come to my destination, I get out my car and tip the taxi driver. I look infront of me and I see, in massive blue and yellow letters, 'FC Sochaux Montbèlliard'

As I enter the headquarters, through the glass door, there's a man at the door, he greets me and tells me to follow him, I do so. We end up at the top, in one big office, when I look inside I see Lacombe. I tap on the glass door and enter, I look towards him and greet him with the fellow 'Bonjour'.

Mr. Lacombe: Hello, Karolis.
*Lacombe gets up to greet Karolis with a handshake, which Karolis accepts, later then sitting down.*
Please, sit.
Karolis: Thank you. *Sitting down, looking towards Mr. Lacombe*.
Mr Lacombe: So, Karolis, I guess you know why you're here, your interview to become the official manager of FC Sochaux Montbèliard.
Karolis: Yes, Mr Lacombe.
Mr. Lacombe: So here, at Montbèliard, we don't have the reputation of a big market team, we're looking for people or players that would be proud to be part of this organization, we look toward home-grown talent to provide us with the success we come through with today, looking at the likes of Ryad Boudebouz and Marvin Martin, do you understand that?
Karolis: Yes, Mr. Lacombe, I do understand, I'd be honoured to be part of this organization, working with the likes of Boudebouz and Martin wants me to join, even more.
Mr. Lacombe: Alright, before you sign your contract we'll have to show you around the facilities to make sure you remember your way around, if that's okay with you, Mr. Stenas? I'm sure you wouldn't mind being introduced to certain players.
An hour later.​

Mr. Lacombe: That's all about it, Mr. Stenas, just one more thing, before you sign the contract. *He slowly pulls out a scarf with FC Sochaux Montbèliard written on it, followed by the crest. He slowly hands this to me, and the Camera man aims the camera at Karolis.*

Mr. Lacombe: That's it for today, Mr. Stenas, go to your hotel and have some rest before you start your duties as a manager.
Good start. I'll be following. Notice how the font is different at several different sections.
Yes, I've noticed, the new reply is going to come as soon as I finish all the friednlies.