Do certain nations produce top players of certain positions?


Jun 16, 2011
Reaction score
I have noticed some trends that certain countries produce better newgens at certain positions and not others. For example many of the top players my scouts have found in Argentina are centerbacks or keepers.

France seems to have good winger/strikers
England - center mids
Brazil - mids and stikers
Mexico - attacking mids and stikers
Africa - strikers
USA - centerbacks

Is this just coincidence or is this programmed?

I know country reputation is key in determining the quality of newgens, but I want to know if positions matter also. If I need a winger it would be great to have a shortlist of regions that often produce top wingers instead of having the scout the whole planet.
It's all coincidence, i find that all the really foreign places like Algeria/Nigeria/Uzbekistan etc are defenders and France are strikers.
Yeah, African teams always seem to produce that one wonderkid that will be a world beater. But then since I'm an English club I have no chance of getting a work permit for him -.-

For example, using genie scout (cheating? I dont care xD) there is a central defender with a 200PA who is from Angola and I haven't got a chance in **** of getting a work permit for him -.-

But yeah on my save:
Argentina tend to have all the quality DM's
Brazil have the AMC's
France have the Winger & Strikers
England have the fullbacks/wingbacks
Yeah, African teams always seem to produce that one wonderkid that will be a world beater. But then since I'm an English club I have no chance of getting a work permit for him -.-

For example, using genie scout (cheating? I dont care xD) there is a central defender with a 200PA who is from Angola and I haven't got a chance in **** of getting a work permit for him -.-

But yeah on my save:
Argentina tend to have all the quality DM's
Brazil have the AMC's
France have the Winger & Strikers
England have the fullbacks/wingbacks
Belgian feeder club? He'll gain match practice there too.
Belgian feeder club? He'll gain match practice there too.

I've tried signing don't get me wrong I have tried possibly about 10 times. And each transfer got cancelled cause of the work permit failure. He hasn't joined without one like I know you can do. Plus I'm West Brom and my board don't think it would be beneficial to get a feeder club overseas so I don't have a Belgian feeder club :/
I don't mind that much since it's more of a challenge I guess. But hey lets not hi-jack this thread :)
someone did a study on FM10 or 11 that showed that certain nations do produce certain players.

It's floating around on this forum somewhere
5 or 6 Seasons in and Ghana and Japan have the best Keepers.

Chelsea have a Ghana international gk aged 19 Called Samuel Liaah
Tottenham and Inter have Japanese Gk's aged 18 and 20 With names i wouldnt even try an spell.
If I had to say which countries produced the best in each position I'd go with:
Goalkeeper: Africa/Brazil
Centre Backs: Britain/Brazil/Argentina
Full Backs: Brazil/Eastern Europe/ France
Centre Midfield: Brazil/Argentina/ Central Europe
Winger: Europe [Mainly France & England]
Striker: Argentina/ Brazil/ France

Generally the best regens come from Brazil, Argentina, France & Nigeria. On my game, anyway.