
Jul 26, 2012
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I am playing a Man United save and every month they lose money. (Couple of Mil, if not more) do they ever get a cash injection or large sum of debt paid off by the owners. Hope the Glazers ****** of and sell soon. Lol

Comments appreciated
at the end of the season you'll get massive amounts of champions league TV money to offset most of those losses :)
Getting good results every season (e.g. decent Champion League result, PL winner, etc) along with sponsors/ TV revenue, etc should get you in the black by the end of the season.
My United side is currently recovering financially from the Glazers, the sold the club to David Gill in my 3rd season. What I did in the first season I bought in Zouma and sold Ferdinand (His wage is nuts) and I bought in many young players and trimmed the squad majorly (Uniteds overbloated squad and wage bill are big reasons for the bad finances). These are the real only ways to make the team money, do well in competitions, trim the wage bill and try get the most for high paid fringe players and no if you get a cash injection into the team its always a loan and never out of the owners money.
^^ same happened in my game david gill took over,the debts at 400 mill and value is just shy of 900 mill at the end of the 4th season i was 100 mill in red even tho i won the quadruple lol and they've expanded the stadium 2 100,000! im guessing it will take 10 yrs 2 balance the books with winning prem and champs league every other year. Currently starting my 5th season see if we can get united debt free in 5 seasons! ive been using up my budget so that probs didnt help lol
Clubs like Utd with a Worldwide reputation get crippled by players asking for £150k - £250k p/w wages. Agent fees and bonuses are sky high too.

However the game attempts to offset this by adding sponsorship deals on the fly. Sometimes mid season if finances get extreme.

Like the responses above, I always offload players above £100k p/w unless they are essential. Better to buy young and develop, than play Ferdinand and his friends.

In my Season 7 save, Man Utd have approx £200m as a balance, but have around 9 individual sponsorship deals, all worth loads.
Clubs like Utd with a Worldwide reputation get crippled by players asking for £150k - £250k p/w wages. Agent fees and bonuses are sky high too.

However the game attempts to offset this by adding sponsorship deals on the fly. Sometimes mid season if finances get extreme.

Like the responses above, I always offload players above £100k p/w unless they are essential. Better to buy young and develop, than play Ferdinand and his friends.

In my Season 7 save, Man Utd have approx £200m as a balance, but have around 9 individual sponsorship deals, all worth loads.

How do you get a sponsorship? where can I see these?
by 2017 you should have paid off the 400mil or what ever it is then you start to make a shed load
I think you'll find this is the case with most/all clubs this year. They altered the non-football costs to be more align with real life. So you will lose money monthly and generally get an injection from prize money etc at the end of the season. Definately makes it more challenging - on my PSG long term save last year I got to the point where I was making 3m a month, where's the challenge in that?
Surely the Chevrolet money will help...they've put that sponsorship deal in right?
my PSG long term save last year I got to the point where I was making 3m a month, where's the challenge in that?

Well if you wanted challenge, you wouldn't have been playing with PSG anyway.