Do Manager Salaries Matter?


Nov 12, 2009
Reaction score
I'm sorry if this is a dumb question, but what does accepting a pay raise as a manager do except for maybe make you feel good about yourself and maybe taking valuable funds away from your club?
i was gonna ask this question as well but i didnt want to incase it was a stupid question haha
Seems to be a bit of a grey spot but I don't think they do.
it just make you feel good about yourself dont think it makes a dent in the funds much
Good question really, answer is nothing. They should really implement something so if your reputation is on automatic for example, you can use the wages for coaching badge training or something like that etc.
I was thinking that as well max... Should be able to send your coachin staff off as well to do more badges to improve their stats.
I always chose the lowest amount they offer, because I get more wages for players and staff then.