Do you find yourself happy?

  • Thread starter Thread starter Luke Cro
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I'm happy, I just take life as it goes on and take it in stride. It's quite hard to make me upset nowadays due to the abuse I use to get years previous.
yeah i'm happy - there's no war where i live and i have enough money to support my family
None of it really directly affects me personally so yes, I suppose I am happy but I appreciate how lucky I am to be brought up away from the more terrible things that occur in the world.

I'm sure if I lived in oppression, then I'd take a different view point.
I'm suffering from depression, so no I am not happy.
But I am grateful that I am brought up in a loving family in a decent part of Plymouth
Had we lived in a different time period i.e. the two world wars I'm sure our opinions of life would be different. Depends on where you live. Atm in Britain nothing too major going on but imagine if you lived in Iraq or Pakistan..
Yes I am happy. All these people who say fml about small things really don't appreciate how lucky they are.
I am very happy... Got my family, my friends, my girl.. Not much can bring me down at the minute :)
Well, no, not really, things haven't been going well.

I know things can change but, it's a matter of when and what it will determine in the future.

So until then, no.

But I have other problems. :S
I am not over the moon about life but I have learned to enjoy the little things. I have to consider that I live in a decent country away from wars and poverty so I am very lucky about where I live.
Wouldnt say I am happy but not unhappy. This country has gone right done the drain and it frustrates the **** out of me on a daily basis. Still plenty of worse countries to live in so should count my blessings
I try to be as happy as possible. Last weekend was the first time for ages that I have felt upset about anything, and I have learnt from it. I am a generally happy and laidback person,
You should all be happy. Never feel bad about yourself, neither should you think your life is ****, because you should be graeful that you can at least write a message on here. Millions of people die for this stuff.