
Nov 5, 2009
Reaction score
i am a little bit stuck on who to be on fm 12 have been pondering for weeks now, so i decided to go on holiday until christmas and see what the leagues looked like at christmas, i looked in the english prem and arsenal where 10th and man city were 6th along with newcastle sitting 17th. just wondering if anyone else does this? i sometimes do it as i like a relgation battle from time to time then if i save the team who i am it gives me the chance to build my team in the 2nd season. i like the idea of being arsenal as they are 10th and have a little cash to spend in january. just wondered on your thoughts and who would you be out of those teams? i am yet to be a big team on fm12 and just wondering if its to easy but in arsenals situation sitting 10th they will do well to qualify for champions league. your thoughts please asap as i want to start a game soon.