Does three at the back work in the premiership?


Nov 22, 2010
Reaction score
I'm starting a career as newcastle on the new update and i am thinking of playing three at the back. Is it risky or will it work?
I'd say so m8. Especially in the PL where you are going to face teams that love the play the ball wide and bring it inside. You'll get exposed at the back a lot. Try it and let us know how you do though ;)
1st- what does "m8" means?
2nd- Well you if you do so you should have pacey and good tackling in the sides and a taller one in the middle ;)
It will work as long as you have pacey defenders that are good at positioning, anticipation and heading. Wingbacks or def mids should also be pacey and have lots of stamina to cover the flangs. Focus passing trough the middle or pass more directly and you will be good to go.
3 at the back works in premiership your defenders just have to be set up disciplined
Can't see any reason why it wouldn't work. As others have said though its important that the left and right sided ones are quick. You might want to play with a lot of width to leep them out of each others ways and so that they are closer to the wings anyway
It will work just as well (if not, better) if you deploy two wing-backs - however if you don't use wing backs, make sure (important) that your wingers have high work rate/fitness/pace, without those you will be instantly exposed at the back and your wingers won't track back fast enough, leaving many CCC for the opposition.
It's risky, since the match engine isn't at it's finest when interpreting three at the back, but it's possible to make successful. Few quick tips, though:

1) Against teams playing two players upfront, flat three is a decent way to go. (3 v 2 at the back)

2) Against teams playing with a lone front man, use a libero with attacking duty. It's not beneficial to have three CB's at the back marking one striker while going forward.

3) A good libero / sweeper is the best way to go, though it might prove to be expensive. Then you have pretty much the ideal setting, using a sweeper behind two man markers when facing a two-striker system and switching to libero when against a lone-stiker system. Then you'll always have an extra man at the back without sacrificing too much attacking potential.

4) There are few tricky shapes you might encounter, a three striker system (eg. 3-4-3) or 1-2 at the front (eg- 4-3-1-2). There are shapes to counter these formations (eg. 3-1-4-2 / 3-1-4-1-1 against 4-3-1-2 - yet preserving that extra man at the back), but the match engine isn't too fond of these formations, or you might not have the players to do it and it's also quite rare occurrence. So a good way to work around it, is switch to far less aggressive pressing (in case you play with higher setting as default), so you won't get dragged all over the place and the team concentrates on keeping the shape intact.

Best of luck!