WOW. 353 PTS !
Just started testing with my side.
Wow! This is a fantastic result on testing system. Congrats! I will try soon.
This tactic was originally posted on FM Korea by Duke. You should at least have the courtesy to give credit where credit is clearly due
we cant do anything about that mate .. if u see there is also an info from him that this tactic tweaked from one of the Knap tactic so yeah credits all credits goes to those creators.
I applied mark tighter OIs against all attacking flank players and strikers that we're the same pace or slower than mine and the tactic works even better. What I love about this tactic is that I rarely concede from throw ins. Unless your playing as an elite team and using Knaps original tactics, about 75% of the goals you'll concede are from AI short throws - I think it's because the mark tighter PIs and TIs screw weaker teams from throw ins when the AI utilises the cross early TI. Anyway, I tried removing mark tighter PIs and Tis from Knaps Fire and Water (100pts) and only applied to strikers and attacking flanks players if they're slower than mine and the same result. Essentially, if you're not keen on Defensive Wingers and aren't playing as a top or subtop team, try using one of Knaps original tactics but remove all mark tighter instructions and apply on an OI level accordingly. Hopefully you'll greatly reduce goals conceded
Have other people tried this tactic? What are your feedback?
Although I'm still figuring out what players are best for what positions...
I plugged the tactic in and holidayed.

Hamilton are predicted 12th when you load a game.

This tactic is insane.


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It sucks! Lazio 8 games, 3 wins ... the 3D match is just awful ...
Is there any one call tell me which role is the core in this tactic?
I don't get the hype with this tactic at all. Its results also strike me with surprise. I am playing this with Dortmund with top clss players and the productivity is low as also only a win here and there. Seriously lacks stability.
In comparison the second rated tactic by Knap seems to work wonders. Am I missing something here?
I don't get the hype with this tactic at all. Its results also strike me with surprise. I am playing this with Dortmund with top clss players and the productivity is low as also only a win here and there. Seriously lacks stability.
In comparison the second rated tactic by Knap seems to work wonders. Am I missing something here?

Mental - I've tested with several teams and only had 1 bad test (Burnley)