Easy win for non league or lower clubs

Thanks for the intricate details of that particular tactic mate. That sentence was totally worth a new thread. ;)
i would use a 5-3-2 defensive it seems to work for lower clubs (H)

For me the best way is to play Rigid. As My defenders lack in attacking skills and my attackers cant Defend for their life, My defensive midfielders having less than 5 in passing and technique and My attacking MC have 4 in tackling. Here, using à flat 5 at the back puts higher demands on the fullbacks not only having the stamina to control the flanks for 90+ minutes,but also to have the quality to put in great crosses and deliever clever T-balls. À wingless formation also stops me from using those Quick Inside forwards that ser equally frequent as well as overrated by the match engine.

So for me, its à rigid 451 Counter all the way !
Just wondering how low a level this applies (cos I'm a nosey git lol). When I've managed lvl 14 clubs (like FOWS Diggers for example), the level is amateur so obviously the stats are....well attrocious to be honest lol. But I've stuck with a 4-4-2but kept everything rigid, players stick to position, control retain possession and had a lot of success with it and got promoted 2 divisions. So was wondering if that would apply to ALL non-league clubs as I have an urge to try out a European low level club

then obviously had a crash dump :'(
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