Edited staff atributes and assistant/scout reports changed


Jan 11, 2009
Reaction score
Got a bit sick of bumbling my way through team talks and press conferences and also having to constantly try to find good coaches as their stats degraded, so I downloaded FMRTE and went ahead and gave my staff god-like stats. Unfortunately, this then meant that the assistant reports all seemed to drop considerably, so that only my very best (world class) player was on five stars, everyone else on four or three. This was a bit of an inconvenience, so I had a play around and lowered their overall stats a bit. Managed to get it so that a few of them are now on five as well, but now some of my youngsters with big potential have been lowered to three stars or even two, and they should probably be higher.

Does anyone know the exact mechanics surrounding this? It seems to be reputation based but I don't know for definite. I want to be able to keep the top-rated staff (specifically the *** man for team talks and press conferences - that's an absolute must), but not lose the accuracy of the the assistant and scout reports (for a while, my 20/20 scouts reported that there were only two or three "quality" players in the world).

That's a bit vague and rambly and I suspect it might need a bit more explanation on my part, but if anyone could give us some tips that'd be great. Cheers!