
Aug 15, 2011
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Hey guys, is there a possible way to CAP the game on players demanding so much money?

Even sometimes trying to get a youth player of 16/17 years old who is on 100 or 200 pounds
week for example, then wants me to give him 3000 or 4000 for him to sign.

I am fed up with this, and want it to be more like the older games CM and FM back in the day
when they never used to ask for SO much money for signing. I understand that higher reputation
players would want more, but youth who are not even a star yet etc asks for way to much.

I am wanting to edit the DB or whatever it needs to make it more lower in demanding high wages
and asking for way less than what they want.

Is there a way? thanks
You could just give them their demands and then, once their signed, edit their wages back to 500 pounds or whatever.
You could just give them their demands and then, once their signed, edit their wages back to 500 pounds or whatever.

You mean using the FMRTE ingame editor? nah, no thanks... messes the rest of the game up. Been there and done that :p
Not really much you can do apart from lowering the reputations of players (how would you do this for all players quickly though)

It's just how football is these days...money money money
Suppose your right, but its took the love from the game to a new high of just wanting not to play
and wishing you stuck to CM 03/04 or lower, lol. I wish they could make it not so **** real life in every
aspect, including the money side of the game. Sad really