Tommo43 wins G.Johnson for £31m (won by 0.9m)
Witsel wins A.Smithies for £10.2m (won by 0.1m)

some close tie bids! OP will be updated soon, just updating my spreadsheet first
Tommo43 wins G.Johnson for £31m (won by 0.9m)
Witsel wins A.Smithies for £10.2m (won by 0.1m)

some close tie bids! OP will be updated soon, just updating my spreadsheet first

****, I need to bid for Alvez aswell now.

---------- Post added at 03:42 AM ---------- Previous post was at 03:41 AM ----------

£0.1m omg!

I knew that you was going to bid 0.1m so thought I would **** you over. ;)
60 Odd Mil On Johnson And Walcott

---------- Post added at 03:52 AM ---------- Previous post was at 03:51 AM ----------

Whos Left To Bid. If I Get My 2 Strikers it will be beast with walcott
results will be up tommorrow, still waiting on a few players bids
i wont be in tomorrow from 13:00 to Around 16:00 as i got a history Exam

Rene Adler - Witsel - £35.2m (Runner-up - KevyMatts £30m)
Mark Schwarzer - Dan - £11m (Runner-up - no-one)
Alphonse Areola - Ben - £10.1m (Runner-up - Cam! £8m)

Dani Alves - Tommo43 - £39m (Runner-up - Witsel £37.6m)
Mamadou Sakho - Witsel - £32.5m (Runner-up - KevyMatts £29.9m)
Simon Kjaer - Witsel & Dan - £25m (Runner-up - joe £24m)
John Terry -KevyMatts - £70m (Runner-up - Ben £56.1m)
Marcelo - Tommo43 - £17m (Runner-up - Jones1871 £14m)
Keiran Gibbs - Cam! - £8m (Runner-up - Ben £4.1m)
Javier Zanetti - ShayGiven - £5m (Runner-up - no-one)

Steven Gerrard - KevyMatts - £80.5m (Runner-up - Tommo43 £65m)
Stephen Ireland - KevyMatts - £25m
Sully Muntari - Ben - £27.1m (Runner-up - Joe £26m)
Diego Capel - Ben - £20.1m (Runner-up - no-one)
Shaun Wright-Phillips - UNBIDDED
Ronaldinho - KevyMatts - £39m (Runner-up - Jones1871 £19m)
Florent Malouda - Tommo43 - £28m (Runner-up - no-one)

Wayne Rooney - KevyMatts - £99m (Runner-up - Tommo43 £73m)
Neymar - Joe - £37m (Runner-up - Ben £28.1m)
Yaya Sanogo - ShayGiven - £6m
Oscar Cardozo - KevyMatts - £34.9m (Runner-up - Dan £28m)
Nikola Zigic - Dan - £11m (Runner-up - Tommo43 £10m)

Pep Guardiola - KevyMatts - £40m (Runner-up - Cam! £9m)
Sven Goran-Eriksson - Joe - £3m (Runner-up - no-one)

Bargain of the Round - Marcelo £17m (Tommo43)
Flop of the Round - Rooney £99m (KevyMatts)

tie bids from Witsel and Dan needed, next list up soon
AAAH! I'm Doing ****! Need to start paying the big bucks! ;)
over paid for rooney fair enough but 40mil for pep wat is wrong with you kevy XD
soo can't believe i didnt even get runner up on anyone :( hopefully theres quality near the back end of the auction i can take advantage off, at this rate i may need it :(

bargian of the round tho - id say itd be shay given with zanetti
i mustnt have been that far of alves, but still i lost :(

kevymatts, u must be near bankrupt now. near 240 million on gerrard ireland rooney and pep :S
Hopefully I can get Kjaer then I will have a 2 young quality CB's