
Jan 12, 2014
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I love this game. Got hooked last year with FM14. I've managed to gather some interest from a few friends and we're discussing the possibility of trying to start an online league together.

We are in a Madden 15 league together right now and we "advance" about every 2-3 nights, playing a game with each advance, except for bye weeks and the offseason.

Our main discussion point, which I promised I'd post for consideration here, is would a schedule similar to that be feasible with Football Manager? Where Madden advances a week at a time, FM moves forward a day at a time. Is there a way to set up the game, obviously sacrificing some realism and depth, to make it align more closely with what we're used to in Madden?

Thanks for your help!
Not sure if you would have much interest from many people. I love online games but have stopped playing them as too many people want to get through the seasons as quickly as possible and quit if it is going too slowly or quit if they are not doing well. Good luck though and i hope you manage it.