
Aug 28, 2013
Reaction score
Since I have a lot of spare money I thought I'd buy a couple of highly determined veterans to tutor my youngsters.
In particular my striker, 19 years old, 5 star potential, natural position AMC but almost equally accomplished as ST. National reputation, in the squad rotation, fairly ambitious personality.

So I bought this 34 yo, determined personality, continental reputation,natural AMC but accomplished as ST. I bought him for the second team but then "promoted" him as squad rotation first and then even as key player. No way. Not only he's not suggested on the youngster development screen, but if I talk to him I can't select the player I want - just others I don't care.

Then I bought another player, 37 yo, professional personality, continental reputation, natural AMR but accomplished as AMC and ST. Same deal as the other one, can't select my youngster from the private conversation list, but - surprise! - he is suggested in the youngster's development page.

Why is that? I guess it's because the second player has a fitting personality, but shouldn't I be able to choose the tutor regardless? Aren't reputation, position, age and squad status the only things that matter?

I'm puzzled. Can anyone explain?

P.S. Sorry if my English doesn't make much sense sometimes, I'm tired. :p
It's possible that the players don't lie eachother, that's the only think i can think of.
Had the same problems in fm13. Tutoring is completely messed up. In 14 Ive had one of my defender tutor two attacking wingers but he cant tutor some of my defenders.
There are a few other factors, the must be natural in the position i think,m not be under going any PPM training, there are a list in the tutoring guide, Have a search for it on here.
There are a few other factors, the must be natural in the position i think

False, I'm having my LB tutoring a SW, they have (surprisingly) no common positions whatsoever. And none of the players mentioned are training PPMs.
Don't they have to have similar personalities aswell?
Of course it makes sense!! You're not going to have say Hazard tutored by Malouda in real life just because Malouda is older..

Debatable, we're talking about experience in the end. Anyway, I think you're right but have you got any source for that info?
Debatable, we're talking about experience in the end. Anyway, I think you're right but have you got any source for that info?

Not Debatable, common sense says he's right ffs.
Don't ask for help and then argue with the people giving it. As far as I can tell, your question has been answered.
I don't have any source but I know for sure that the youngster can't be better than the tutor.

All right, thank you.

Not Debatable, common sense says he's right ffs.

So you wouldn't have Balotelli tutored by Van Basten because Van Basten plays like **** now, right? Tutoring (to me) means you're passing your experience, not your skill. But hey, if it's how they designed the game so be it.
I think I seen something pop up about player reputation aswell? I could be way wrong though, Never been able to tutor balanta but it's fine as he's a monster from the start anyway