
Dec 29, 2014
Reaction score
Hi Gents,

Anyone else playing with Everton at the moment?

Haven't really found a tactic that works that well going forward as of yet. Saying that, I'm currently in November and just lost my first match of season! I haven't conceded many goals at all and have drawn 7 games 0-0.

I switch between a 4-3-3/4-5-1 currently which like I said s pretty solid defensively but lacks a bit of cutting edge going forward.

I haven't signed anyone other then Angel Correa on loan at the moment.

I'm unable to post any screenies at the moment as I'm at work, but anyone who's playing with Everton or a similar club have any suggestions?

Cheers in advance!
My suggestion would be to evaluate the squad and see what would suit them. Create a tactic based on that. It's the same you'd do at any club.
My suggestion would be to evaluate the squad and see what would suit them. Create a tactic based on that. It's the same you'd do at any club.

Funnily enough, that's what I've tried to do, but it's not working that well. Hence why I'm asking for help in the tactics section of the forum.
Work on your man management and keep moral high. I've found happy players will perform in most systems that are tactically consistent but even the best tactic will fall apart with players who have no belief.
my tactic is perfect for everton

You can win Premiership in first season
Well this has been brilliant. Sorry for posting on the forum.
You want help. I'm willing to help and I'm sure many others would be. What do you need help with? That's the point of the link. To help you, give info.

People can post random setups; how does that help you? Are you just going to blindly copy them? What if that doesn't work? You'll be forever chasing your tail.

As said, if you can post info, we can help with what you specifically struggled with. Advice directly about the issue you have.
Try this. Won the league in my first season, highest goals and best defence.
You need to manually set opposition feedback to Close down and Tight Marking.
Always ask your team to get creative during the game as well as demand more.
You need to keep your team confidence high, so don't go upsetting any players.
Set every player to the position they're playing
Have balanced training as default, with match tactics as.... match training?! Have the balance as one click from the left in team training (two and a half boxes for match training).

My corner tactics don't result in many goals, but this is a solid tactic.
P.S. If you start the season in July, you'll need 6 weeks ish of pre season for the team to get used to the tactic.