Expand stadium or improve training facilities? which is best?


Dec 11, 2010
Reaction score
After 4 years at a club when you are owed a favour blah blah blah, which option is the best to choose? Does improving the cluns training facilities make a difference? or does expanding your stadium give you more income?

Ive decided that improving wages and transfer budgets is not worth it as you can make money yourself.

Any feedback on this subject would be great!!
Well alot of the clubs income is through gate receipts so check your monthly report and if you are loosing money I would expand the stadium as long as you are selling out your current capacity but if your finances are going fine then I would opt to updated training as long as I had the staff use it well.
Thanks for your reply but I think your advice is for the PC version? Im playing on my IPod and I dont seem to get monthly reports and I dont control staff either. I take it the PC version is a lot more indepth than the handheld version?

Thanks again.
Improving training will help your players improve slightly through training (well duh ;) ) and also potentially cut down on training injuries a little.

Improving the stadium can help the clubs finances and might also make the stadium atmosphere more intimidating for clubs visiting you .....

(as to which you need more - entirely up to you)