
Mar 6, 2012
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hi guys, Just wondering if anybody seems to get eye strain when playing this or any tips they have to limit it? I usually find in general that I need to have my computer on a lower resolution a tad, my PC is set at 1024 x 768, on my monitor which I think is about 15 inches- where I think it's usual to have 1280 x 1024.

At the moment as I'm not used to the game, I'm watching most of the matches in full from the "stand" view and definately feel this has an effect and also in general use aswell. Anybody found certain skins more helpful than others? I'm using the traditional dark skin and wonder if that helps/hinders?
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How long are you playing the game for at a time? Take regular breaks away from looking at the screen. If you are playing continously whilst tired then that wont help your eyes.
Agree with that IanC. Should always have a break after 30-45 minutes gameplay. Not only for your eyes either-longer you play without a break greater risk of developing RSI. Have it myself and it was totally my fault, due to continuous PC usage and playing endless on the Xbox
thanks for the suggestions guys.

I've had it before if I'm on the computer toomuch or don't take breaks. But it seems to come really quickly when I play FM compared to other taks or other games (i.e. 1 hour vs 4-10 hours). I've actually got that flux program (which is excellent btw), and I don't think it's brightness. It feels like maybe my eyes are straining to read it at that resolution maybe,but that could totally not be the reason.

I'll try making sure I take more regular breaks (how long for, 5mins? 10mins?) and it could be recent lack of sleep that coincided with playing FM to be fair.

Out of interest what do you guys set your hz rating to when playing. I've got the option of 60hz and 75hz and wonder if that could help.
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IIRC it is recommended to take a 10 minute break after every 50 minutes on the computer to make up the full hour.

I don't do it, because I don't need to, but it certainly could help your problem I'd say.
It is worse when your tired, so what I do is go do something else for 5 or 10 mins and then go back to the game like the post above says
The concept of taking a break from the computer confuses me. Why would anyone do that?
Haha, I agree. I actually had that software installed at one point because I was getting migraines but it became very annoying as it constantly popped with a reminder whilst I was in the middle of something. So I uninstalled it and have not used it since :D

I spend around 14 hours a day in front of the PC. Not sure what others do?
The concept of taking a break from the computer confuses me. Why would anyone do that?

Mainly for me have a stretch and a break from what I'm doing and give my wrists a break. Though for me it's a bit different thanks to RSI-so I'm pretty stuffed. Own fault though