'Fair play' goal in Italy under investigation

Just another example of poorly constructed laws, if a player goes down with a serious injury then play should stop, if its only minor then they should play on. Works perfectly in rugby where its arguably even more costly to lose a player in open play.
I thought FIFA wanted fair play. Why are they looking into it if they want footballers to be fairer?

I didn't say that. I meant that FIFA was encouraging footballers to play fairly. It seems stupid to have an investigation when what they did was the right thing.

I thought FIFA wanted fair play. Why are THEY looking into it if they want footballers to be fairer.

You did say that.
You have your opinion I have mine. Lets leave it there please. (H)
There are actually more than one way to interpret 'ethical' in this case.

1. Right and wrong, dealing with morals and morality.
2. Being in accordance with rules or standards for right conduct or practice, esp. the standards of a profession.

So in this case both meanings are at odds with each other.

You've just gone on to a website.. Copy and pasting isn't cool. Being ethical is primarily about morality, to be right and fair. This is fair. It has nothing to with with rules or laws, which is why it says "ethical and laws" they are completely separate. So stop basing your argument on something you've read off of wikipedia.

Stop trying to start an argument out of nothing, you are doing it with Chris as well.

And did anyone see how that player was tackled by somebody who wasn't even moving? LOL!
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You've just gone on to a website.. Copy and pasting isn't cool. Being ethical is primarily about morality, to be right and fair. This is fair. It has nothing to with with rules or laws, which is why it says "ethical and laws" they are completely separate. So stop basing your argument on something you've read off of wikipedia.

Stop trying to start an argument out of nothing, you are doing it with Chris as well.

And did anyone see how that player was tackled by somebody who wasn't even moving? LOL!

I may have paraphrased, but just in points 1 and 2 and in no way did I copy and paste, and I didn't use wikipedia (H)

If someone is wrong, why not correct them so they can learn?
Eddlad I, and I am sure Aannddyy, both respect your opinion so why don't you just leave it now as it would be pointless to ruin the thread. Cheers. (H)
I may have paraphrased, but just in points 1 and 2 and in no way did I copy and paste, and I didn't use wikipedia (H)

If someone is wrong, why not correct them so they can learn?

I'm not going to argue any more, because, well I don't know exactly what your argument is now..

Yeah because he can just rhyme off the definition of "ethical"........ :S :P

What? Of corse you could easily find the definition of ethical online, what are you talking about?
Not got a clue what you are all talking about lol.

Anyway I think this thread is done.