
Dec 26, 2010
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Hi,I am new to the forum but i am reading it a lot and playing FM for 5 years now...I was looking for answers but couldnt find it so sorry for new Thread

I have some questions-I am playing with Slovenian club-Maribor-I am concentrating on own/young/talented/players-I am winning domestic leauge easy for 3 seasons and qualifying for Champions Leauge-so my questions are...

-How does the Team Reputation increase and can i see it anywhere?
-What is the best level of youth or training facilities?
-Can u improve corporate facilities?
-As in Slovenia player needs 10 years to gain nationality,can i get(like clubs in premier leauge)a feeder club from EU country(where players can be EU in 3 years) as now i have a player from Ghana who was in Belgium for 3 years,but he needs to reside there to be EU...If i would play with Liverpool i could send him to Genk and he would have work permit approved after...

Thanks a lot for answers
- Reputation increases every time you win a trophy or do well in Europe, so if you keep winning the League and Cup, you can attract better players.

- The best youth facilities and training facilities are 'state of the art youth and training facilities'.

- I think you can improve coporate facilties but only if given the option, probably not at a club like Maribor.

- I am not sure in terms of feeder clubs, I imagine as Maribor, you'd probably only get a club in the Slovenian lower leagues. I do believe there is an option to choose your own club though.
So only with trophys or also with wins in Europe?How long would it take to be a well known European club?
I think than in a season or two i will have an option to choose a feeder club but i am not sure if they will gain nationality if they will live in Slovenia again...

Thanks for the answers!!!
- Reputation increases every time you win a trophy or do well in Europe, so if you keep winning the League and Cup, you can attract better players.

- The best youth facilities and training facilities are 'state of the art youth and training facilities'.

- I think you can improve coporate facilties but only if given the option, probably not at a club like Maribor.

- I am not sure in terms of feeder clubs, I imagine as Maribor, you'd probably only get a club in the Slovenian lower leagues. I do believe there is an option to choose your own club though.

also, if you can get a takeover, the money generated will attract players,, but to increase the reputation of the league itself, you need to keep winning cups, and put all effort into the European competitions.
I have some more questions.

First is regarding a player I wannt,he is a huge talent,twice the player than my best striker.i agree with club on transfer fee,but than his stupid manager doesn wannt to drop his fee for 50% and i cannt sign him;)i offered him max all i can but now he dislikes me;)so what should i do?sell 3 or 4 my players to increase wage bill or wait for him to change manager?Because i allreday sold 2 of my player;)

And second:i have a player who is 18 years old.i loaned him out and there in his personal page there was a media comparison that he is labeled as next ......... And than it dissapered,so how is the thing with this.Ddoes it depends of which country he playes?Or the club reputation,training center?

thank for your advices
You can only suggest your own feeder club/parent club if you have been with your team for more than 1 and a bit seasons