FIFA 2010 John Terry 45m Goal!

I scored a goal exactly like that with kolo toure on champions league 2006-2007, except the only difference was that it hit the underside of the crossbar and bounced in. :D

Good goal though
I scored a goal exactly like that with kolo toure on champions league 2006-2007, except the only difference was that it hit the underside of the crossbar and bounced in. :D

Good goal though
Cheers :D
This is my 2nd goal scored by John Terry form mid field.
The first 1 was on PS3, this 1 on XBOX.
I'm taking it you love terry ;)
Why don't the goalkeepers on Fifa ever play like that against me? :(
Not funny...
JT is awesome...
And u don´t really have 2 discuss his personal life in this topic...

Jesus, it was a joke! :S And you've just proven he can score on the field as well as he does off it.

Sorry, had to. (A)
JT should be England captain!
Yeah! Agree!!!

---------- Post added at 05:44 PM ---------- Previous post was at 05:42 PM ----------

Why don't the goalkeepers on Fifa ever play like that against me? :(
But 1 tip: every time u get a free kick from mid field, shoot it or cross it at full power.
There´s a big prob that u´ll score or make a great assist!
I scored one just like that with Cannavaro on champions league game 06.06 But i think it was further back from a free kick.
I scored one just like that with Cannavaro on champions league game 06.06 But i think it was further back from a free kick.
Cool! :p

---------- Post added at 05:52 PM ---------- Previous post was at 05:51 PM ----------

BTW JT had a good game against Arsenal(in real life).
Cool! :p

---------- Post added at 05:52 PM ---------- Previous post was at 05:51 PM ----------

BTW JT had a good game against Arsenal(in real life).

Yeah i watched, a win for Liverpool on wednesday,and we're fighting with them (H)