Fifa quota proposal angers Wenger

BBC Sport

BBC Sport News Headlines
Aug 23, 2006
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Arsenal boss Arsene Wenger is fuming over Fifa plans to force Premiership clubs to field six English players.

Unlucky Arsehole Wenger, get some english youngsters played :)
I have to admit though he has a point. I think a small number like 3 is more realistic.

What if a team has injury problems to their English players...they might have to bring in some kids and leave out big name foreign players.

Also like he says about having to pay money JUST to have an English player. Prices of English players (Carrick mainly) are already steep enough for the bigger clubs so bringing in a rule like this will only raise them further.
This doesn't sound fair at all. Wenger has a point about the better players being benched just because they are not English. If he wants to have a foreign team I don't really care, there is plenty of other good clubs bringing English talents through.