After...what...3 years or so of playing Fm 15 i've finaly found a tactic that works for every team and every country. It's a combination between monstruous plug and play and a tweak from deadly circle. A 4-4-2 formation. I must say that i tried every known tactic from tff or verza or ****'o kitty or tinkerman or...u name it! So this is it: Final 15.3.2. Take it and enjoy! For big and small teams, club or nation. Thanks to TFF and...Dealdy Circle! It is my first post here and just pls be patient for a sec. untill i figuire it up how to upload the tactic 
P.S. I didn't post this for stars or other childish purpose(im 37). I just remember how frustrating it was not to find a tactic to beat big teams. As for other settings, i play with def.position, let assistent to do the individual training, no OP(very important), sometimes no talking at all. If un want the corner exploit set dl for right corner and dr for the left one. same with the throw exploit. set one of the fullbacks to do it. the one with posses long flat bullet. But i dont think you'll need the exploit.
P.S.2 Just go for atack. home and away. works even better

P.S. I didn't post this for stars or other childish purpose(im 37). I just remember how frustrating it was not to find a tactic to beat big teams. As for other settings, i play with def.position, let assistent to do the individual training, no OP(very important), sometimes no talking at all. If un want the corner exploit set dl for right corner and dr for the left one. same with the throw exploit. set one of the fullbacks to do it. the one with posses long flat bullet. But i dont think you'll need the exploit.
P.S.2 Just go for atack. home and away. works even better
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