FINALLY Barcelona real and closest tactic


Jan 16, 2012
Reaction score
Hello there first thing's first I need to introduce myself cause more or less I have never bothered with forums writing or "bloging" about anything but since I follow fm-base quite long time and have downloaded and tested some tactics which I previously have made by myself of course in better versions but never felt like opening a thread, present my tactic, post 25+ pictures, profit ???

My knowledge and thoughts about fm since I'm advising people with formation:

I play fm since 2003 which is very long time i know but after the new formation system was implemented i kinda disappointed about the game and felt like don't wanna play the game anymore. That was 2009 or 08 can't remember. Came back to fm 2011 and quickly adapted into the new system and game engine ( which instruction how reflect on players and stuff ) and made couple tactics which i consider very successful for both strong and weak teams. I hope I will promote 2-3 more tactics soon since I broke the ice and decided to post on a forum ^^)

My real challenge:

With no troubles at all I have made some complexed and unique tactics like

- Real's Pellegrini 4-4-2 with C.R as def.winger ( it was a bit challenge to think too much outside of the box for this formation i have to admit )

-Arsene's Arsenal the perfect technical 4-2-3-1 ( which always loose against better teams simple cause their most important link the MCr and MCl is weakest XD)

- Barcelona but before Pep Guardiola 4-5-1 with Messi as AMR, Eto'o CF and Henry AML

- And many else real simulated tactics from the playing era of the club I wanted to simulate ( Milan, Juventus, even Tottenham )


But as every manager I suppose the real and the main challenge was today's Barcelona the pure total domination 4-3-3 also called THE FALSE 9

- Had extremely hard times how to make total possession but from the other hand chance making and lot shooting football.

- How to make possession but from the other hand 3-3 midfield attack combo and not the easy possession 5-1.

- How to link my players passes into deadly triangles but from the other hand not just PASS PASS PASS game but also deadly attacking.

- And maybe hardest task how to not have classical striker but on the other hand almost all of my team are strikers


The investigation:

Just try to type on google false 9 and you will be amazed how many people actually tried to make this and implement into fm. The tactic not just is hard to fully understanding but it's even harder for implementing into the game. The guys on web page fm-scout which is similar this site but much smaller have made final words that for this Pep Guardiola tactic to be utilized to the full the fm engine needs to be much more advanced ( this 3-4guys make tactical approaches since like forever).
But actually no my friends I have seen and tried your false 9 version and it was 90% implemented but always something missed. That is the mistake I made thousands time while testing this formation

- the 3 attackers role
- the GK role
- and the creative freedom ( which i found it quite surprising but that's how fm engine works even if I don't agree with that )

After all these years playing fm, the engine and game insight changed a lot but one aspect stayed same. That is the power of simplicity for some things.


How to use it and what to focus on:

- Dont bother with shoutouts or any other "timewasting" things like private chats with players ( only if he is jaded send him on vacation 1-2 weeks most) , listening to backroom advice ( the only advice you should listen is your instinct )

- Pitch size medium - normal

- Opposite instr. leave to ***. manager

- Team talk ***. manager

- Match preparation teamwork - average all season. And off season no specific area - High

Training: I actually pay special attention to the training since forever and I do it very simple and it shows me great results ingame. Just put all from general training to the training shed. they play by position ( none players in general training )
a) put GK's training focus Handling
b) defenders training focus Tackling
c) midfielders tr. focus Agility
d) forwards tr. focus Composure

And also look to hire best possible coaches and make sure every training area has at least 3 and a half Stars. DO this or not its up to you but it brings me high improvement since forever.



With team like Barcelona you can win with basically any strat. Try what you want 4-4-2 3-4-3 4-5-1 just how you want it you can win but I took a personal challenge to emulate the current Barcelona metagame and make the false9 possible with this fm engine. Long time I have tried and got random results, sometimes I got over 100+ passes on my Xavi Iniesta Macherano but no goals, sometimes I got strong possession but not that much passes and no goals, sometimes 5-0 every game but 45% - 50% possession and even one time I got Messi scored 84 goals in one season which I consider for a bug or something like that cause it's not human but all in all it was not the point. Finally when I realized that the deep defending attackers and the overall fluid defenders and midfield plays like that with a totally strange instructions I decided to come on my favorite fm site and for the first time present something of me by playing this game many many years.

Final words

I didn't printed 100 pictures during the season and now since it's the end of the season I could take a picture only of my last don't know like 10 - 15 games and not all. Anyway never mind it's not many pictures the stats you will see are the same entire season.

Thank you for reading this oh and yes the Champions league final vs Bayern M. was joke. It should never ended 4-3 it should have been 4-1 most but Abidal literally gave 2 goals on Muller and his rating went to 4.8 which never happened me before.
Looks nice, but did you think about testing it with other teams? Barcelona is Ultra Mega Easy Mode. Also, maybe you should uload some screenies with the passing analysis. And are the individual player instructions tweaked or are they the default for the roles?
Looks nice, but did you think about testing it with other teams? Barcelona is Ultra Mega Easy Mode. Also, maybe you should uload some screenies with the passing analysis. And are the individual player instructions tweaked or are they the default for the roles?

Maybe you didnt read the whole text but i recommend you to read at least the conclusion. I said that you can win with any formation using Barcelona but I finally made the current Barcelona tactic and no there are not individual instr. cause I have tried thousands and no one worked like this default role play instruction thats why I said how amazed I was by the simplicity of the engine when you think that you need the most advanced features ever believe me you don't.
There is a picture o.O Its 5th in a row. Anyway you can download the tactic and see for yourself.
You said you used a false 9 in the tactic. Post a picture with his instructions. I mean the player that has the false 9 instructions.
Ron Jedda it is a possession tactic. I have average 70% possession entire season and about passing don't worry they make enough passing. The more important thing for me was to utilize the triangles passing and not to chase 150 passing by X player. Of course i can do it it's actually easy. Max slow tempo max short passing and every player one by one player instructions move in channels max short passing and pas to near target -.-
Alexmos93 Messi is the fake 9 obviously and he has default treqerista attack role. Go on download and try it. Just don't know why the admins don't put the file into the download section -.-
could u post some pics of key players eg messi xavi plz mate
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Can you give us more informatin about this?

I have seen this picture before a couple of times. Iirc, its from the 12.0.4 patch and the actuall tactic was never presented. I know that there was more screens to and that they did not produce a result, only passes, this down to the settings ANS some flaws from 12..4 where the opponent did not close down as they should
I have seen this picture before a couple of times. Iirc, its from the 12.0.4 patch and the actuall tactic was never presented. I know that there was more screens to and that they did not produce a result, only passes, this down to the settings ANS some flaws from 12..4 where the opponent did not close down as they should

Uff, i was starting to get worried. couldnt miss that one!! I mean, you'll need 101% of possession for doing so much, right? :D
I have set the TAC file here on download page but it says waiting for moderator aprove. Don't know how log it will last so here I uploaded the tactic if you want to download plug and play now !!

4-3-3 false9 final (Barcelona, May 2012).tac

A mod wont approve a tactic that has one sentence and a link to this thread. Tactics will only be approved with a good description and some screenshots. You could of quite easily copied and pasted your opening post from this thread which would of been more than sufficient. It states very clearly when uploadng tactic:

- Files with poor descriptions (ie: poor spelling, bad grammar) or lack of screenshots will be deleted without warning.

Just a little heads up for you ;)
And what about trying this in other teams?? Well the problem for me now is the fact that I really don't know where to look, when it comes to player attributes. For ex: search player's based on Messi from the results i got I choose the ones that I was able to afford and that had the quality equal or better from what I have in my squad, result... doesn't work, either the ones I had and the ones I got. So where too look, when it cames to player atributes???
And what about trying this in other teams?? Well the problem for me now is the fact that I really don't know where to look, when it comes to player attributes. For ex: search player's based on Messi from the results i got I choose the ones that I was able to afford and that had the quality equal or better from what I have in my squad, result... doesn't work, either the ones I had and the ones I got. So where too look, when it cames to player atributes???

That is were i struggle to. I look for high determanation, work rate, teamwork, decissions, attackers need off the bal... The rest i'm not sure