fm king

Mar 2, 2009
Reaction score
Im starting a fm09 network game 9.3.0 version

Enlish league only

Only 4/5 players for quicker game play

playing times as follows
mon 6-11/12pm
tue day off
wed 6:30-11/12pm
thu 6-11/12pm
fri day off
sat 5-9/10pm
sun 6-11pm

we can carry on playing until more than 25% of people go offline

To choose your team answer back as soon as possible to get your desired team!!!!!

Private message me and i will go through the rules and any other info that u need!!!!!

hamachi needed
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You said in your original message, you were looking at starting "tomorrow", which is obviously today, but on the times Tuesday is listed as 'day-off' so how does that work lol.
Ok, well, to be honest, I think if you're gonna organise a network game, there's no point rushing it as it won't work.

You're better off saying start a week today. Giving people enough time to join and so everyone starts at the start.
cheers for the advise, ile probly delay it anyway, just tryin 2 get players 2 join
wat teams do both of u wana b, if u want the same team its the first answer that gets the team