This comes straight from FML, and the amount of people who moaned because they were getting beaten because they were **** tacticians. Yea some people were playing really weird formations which were confusing the ME - but instead of SI syaing 'OK we need to fix this to make daft formations non-functional', they took the easy route and took the arrows out.
To be honest the whole issue turned me off FML, and even after I quit I soon dropped 08 as well. It seems (as has been mentioned) SI don't want to listen to their long serving customers and take 'their way' of fixing things much more seriously. But it's the lazy way. They can remove the arrows all they like but you'll still get teams overloading attack in the last ten minutes and pulling those 2 goals back. It happened in FML all the time.
They shot themselves in the foot with FML, as it showed up just how bad the ME actually is, and they don't kow how to fix it.