
Nov 6, 2010
Reaction score

FM has become really slow, unplayable so to speak.

ive got a new dell xps laptop, Intel i7-2630QM 2ghz, 8GB ddr3 ram.

FM has always been really fast and ive had no other problems before. But on now suddenly it has become as i said earlier really really slow. If i go on a holiday it takes nearly 2 hours on 3 weeks, the loading screen from day to day takes about 30-40 sek. Its really slow.

Ive done the things thats normally mentioned, close all other programs etc. set priority to highest, reinstall FM. Tried other saves, new games etc.

Cant figure out whats the problem.. Any suggestions?
One thing I find helps is to open Task Manager and close explorer.exe, and just reopen it when I'm finished. However if your slowness has come on suddenly out of nowhere then I'd look at something else - new programs installed/ processes running the background or something?
Maybe some stupid first question since I am no IT specialist but:
- is FM the only program that runs slow?
- did you install additional skins or something lately
- ofcourse you have enough disk space
It happened suddenly, everything was fine untill it became really slow. As far as i know i havent installed any new programs or anything and as far as i can say my computer is running at the same speed, only FM thats slow.

Got 250gb free space so thats not the problem. Im using the original skin.
Ill try the explorer.exe trick, but when i watch my task manager im never above 15% prosessor use and FM is using 1.5 mill KB and 4.5 gb memory(thats about 53%), dno if that is much or what. My savegame file is about 1gb.

I really cant understand whats the problem.
Ive been on vacation for 1 hour now, and the game has progressed 12 days..
How many leagues and players do you have loaded?

Have you EVER added any graphics - facepacks, logos, kits etc?
I prefer to play with 1 and 1 active league, dont like when there is to much information and such, so i have about 15000 players, and 2 leagues from 1 country. My estimated speed is 5star. So that should not be a problem.
Virus is a possibility, ive done virus checks with 4 different programs, and none of them find any.
Yes, ive added a facepack, got the megapack 4.0. But ive had that atleast a couple of months and the problem just started a couple of days ago.