What is the pentagon challenge?Take part in the pentagon challenge
Complete the alphabet challenge
Write one of the above in story form for FM Base
Create a team and write a story for FM Base
What is the pentagon challenge?
That sounds cool, i fancy a try at that.win the champions league in all 5 continent's on the game, 6 if you include additional leagues to get oceania available.
That sounds cool, i fancy a try at that.
I plan to restart this on FM13 so maybe i should incorporate the pentagon challenge into the same save
That would be epic! Hadn't noticed i had missed out the an Italian team.that would be a cool idea, looks like your rough list includes all 5 continents playable anyway. Also as there doesn't appear to be any italian clubs on your list then you could make san marino your S and include parts of that challenge aswell.
That would be epic! Hadn't noticed i had missed out the an Italian team.
The 'Pentagon, Alphabet, San Marino challenge' just rolls off the tongue doesn't it
I'm up for that
Stick to a save for more than 10 seasons.