FM Base 50 million pound challenge?


Jan 12, 2009
Reaction score
Does anyone want me to set up a database for it? Could be a bit of fun I think.
Anyone got anything they want included or any ideas, size of stadium and things like that?
Whats the database about 50million pounds. The transfer Budget?
do you strart with £50m for every team or do you have no players etc...
I reckon you should have Highbury as it is unoccupied and a good stadium.
I've made the first draft and I am testing it now. Will be up soonish I imagine.
Leeum did it last year and he said he was planning on doing it this year. I think he is busy so might be a good idea if you try :)
I've been looking out for it and not seen it. It's being tested and tweaked by me at the moment. Anyone fancy making a kit/ badge?
I've been looking out for it and not seen it. It's being tested and tweaked by me at the moment. Anyone fancy making a kit/ badge?
Would love to mate but I'm not exactly and expert or even an amateur at making kits and badges :'(
I've been looking out for it and not seen it. It's being tested and tweaked by me at the moment. Anyone fancy making a kit/ badge?
maybe send LG FIRE a PM, i think he is quite good at them :p
or the guy that made the carbon logos wh2008uk i think