I said no because there is nothing wrong with how graphics are now? We are being updated with enough facepacks alright in my opinion so I said no because it won't impact me in the slightest whether or not a 'graphics team' is made. I'm fine with one person doing it.
I voted yes for it as it can only benefit the site. Don't think I'm personally qualified for this though :$
But I think a specific ''Graphics Team'' would put others off posting there things, thus meaning us having less 'goodies'
But I think a specific ''Graphics Team'' would put others off posting there things, thus meaning us having less 'goodies'
Once you have done some graphics, they are very easy to do, and you learn little tricks to speed it up.
You've done really well on your own, why do you need help from others m8?
You've done really well on your own, why do you need help from others m8?
get the packs done quicker m8 plus it gives members a chance to get involed in something![]()
Yes, he has done great on his own, and having more people can only be better can it not? You'll get more packs done wont you
Guys if use need any help or anything im willing to offer a hand.![]()