FM-Base New Home Page Design


Staff member
Sep 15, 2005
Reaction score
The new home page has gone live.

So far only the home page has been put up, I still need to update the players section.

It is still a work in progress and things will still be changing.

Opinions please :)
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Looks much better than the one u tried before
very well layed out :)
I am still unsure about the green. Apart from that i love it
Sean btw i updated chelsea 09/10 new faces and added a pic that would do go for the hompage when its on hot, LOL
Also not sure about the colour scheme, but could you change it so that after hovering over one of the 'WHAT'S HOT...' links, the description fades out after your cursor leaves that particular image please?

Also think perhaps a large banner (vertically), with the navigation bar underneath rather than above might look a bit better.
Don't you mean, you and your ads ruining everything.
i wasn't sure how to get to the forum from the home page. when i first saw it i was convinced i was on the wrong website. looks good.

also, sean, don't want to be annoying but have you had a chance to look at the expanded hair pack for regens. it still isn't working for me.

p.s are sean and lee related?
i wasn't sure how to get to the forum from the home page. when i first saw it i was convinced i was on the wrong website. looks good.

also, sean, don't want to be annoying but have you had a chance to look at the expanded hair pack for regens. it still isn't working for me.

p.s are sean and lee related?

Ah yes I know, I haven't yet added a forums link (that will be getting added to the right of the 'What's Hot...' heading.

There you go I have found a working download link and have updated the file...

Yes we are related.
They are Twins....Sean are you sure you can mess about with is so horrible
They are Twins....Sean are you sure you can mess about with is so horrible
What colour would you replace the green with Kris? Maroon by any chance?
Anything really....If your keeping it green at least change it to the old cmbase green
Noooo...don't you dare remove the green. I'm loving the green. I will have a temper tantrum if you remove the green!!! You have been warned!
thanks sean. i always just thought it was a coincedence that you had the same last name.
Glad the mouse-over effects have been changed, they just seemed to block the images. They are fine to use, just should fade out when the mouse leaves the area, in my opinion.