FM Genie Potential Ratings


Apr 13, 2010
Reaction score
I use FM Genie Scout and I'm wondering if the potential positional ratings for a player change depending on his current training, workload, experience, etc? I ask because certain players (i.e. Alphonse Areola, Federico Macheda) have extremely high potential ability that for some reason or other doesn't translate to particularly stunning potential positional ratings. Again, I'm asking for clarification of the concept of "potential" (both in terms of ability and rating) in FM Genie, not anything about individual players.

I've noticed the potential rating does go up quite often if I am playing a young player regularly.

I don't really look at the potential ability, but I'd hazard a guess that it is definite and can't be improved.
as i suspected! potential ability is a set ceiling whereas potential rating is a set trajectory given the current conditions. cheers, eddlad!

if anyone knows anything else or disagrees, let us know!
This is where users of Genie Scout have to be a bit careful, when it comes to how much faith you put in the ratings.

Firstly, I know that you were not asking specifically about Alphonse Areola, but he happens to be one of the players that doesn't have a fixed ceiling on his potential ability. If you check him out using the FM Editor supplied with the game (and therefore not cheating in my mind) you'll find he has a PA of -10.

All -10 players (and there's only about 8 or 9 of them in the 10.3.0 patch) have a potential ability anywhere between 170 and 199 (or possibly 200) and their PA ceiling is set anywhere in this range randomly each time you start a new game.

When it comes to his potential Genie Scout positional rating it is strongly influenced by how two footed he is as Eugene (Genies designer) has seen fit to incorporate significant weighting in favour of two footed players. I believe that Alphonse Areola's best foot is significantly better than his weaker foot, so he is rated lower accordingly.

I've done some quick and dirty experiments to prove this using FMRTE to adjust the weaker foot to be equal to best foot and watched the Genie Scout positional rating soar by maybe 10% or more.

I had it in mind at some point to do this in a controlled way to show just how much Eugene has weighted ratings in favour of two footed players. With Genie Scout we are able to adjust most weightings for the players to create our own favoured weighting, but as far as I know Eugene hasn't left a facility to adjusted two footedness weightings.

His existing ratings seem to affect players in all positions equally, however, although two footedness is beneficial to all players, I feel sure that it's more beneficial in certain positions. Also, if a player were really as good with both feet, is it really that likely that he would be playing as a CB for instance.

My initial conclusion is to trust Genie slavishly and miss out on some very good players. FMRTE on the other hand, seems to ignore two footedness altogether.

Probably better to trust the FM Editor that comes with FM 2010 and your own scouts to find best players.

When I get around to doing some tests I will let you all know my findings.


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