
Nov 29, 2009
Reaction score
if your not a ***** like somekids on here join hamachi fmmnet2 pass is 123
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Do you ever get tired of posting news thread about a net game every day?
no m8 the game is underway and we have managers just always looking for mature players tht can add to the game
And by posting a bunch of network threads and calling kids ******* you're being mature? Yeah, good luck finding players.
***** mike still bein a **** and gttin known for it now! NICE
the guys a complete moron suprised anyone plays with the ****
still doing this haha get a ******* life sean why you stalking me unreal
Stalking kid ? hardly ! everytime i come on here looking you have made a new post you actually get on my **** maybe the reason you have to post so much is because no one is stupid enough to actually play with you

i have a good game going with some good people banter is good occasionall you get the *** who quits so i come on here looking for a body and everytime i do so you have made a further two posts take the hint boy no one is interested in your pathetic attempt to run a game your a mug a cheat and a complete contradictive **** who could not run a bath never mind a game kid

end of story .....

btw phwite pal join his game just for ten mins then youll see what abusing deals is all about :D
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haha nah. ima wait for a fair game with no 48 month s n ECT, was happy in yours n till tht berat guy came along.
im in one mate its going along nicely , i know you dont like berat to much phwite but everone needs to be considerd mate i dont see him lasting to long tbh you should of stuck around :D
Sean get a life honest to god so sad i just laugh tbh i look for ppl tht know its a cpu game and i am in a serious game so who gives 2 ***** what you got to say honestly So gl with yr sad self and leave me to it cheers :)
sad self coming from the guy who quits games because someone pressed the continue button wilest he was at work till 10pm , sad coming from the guy who used to pm everyone and mix **** behind everyones back sad coming from the guy who used to give people and their family abuse just cause he lost sad coming from the guy who was kicked from continues games because nobody liked his attiutde lack or respect or poor sportsmanship?

we all know who the sad **** is and that is you toxic breathe get the head down ya creepy little ****
Last thing i will say is you need to remember its a computer game i dont even know why i played with u i now play with non moaners and in a very good clan game so gl trying to have a serious game when u playing with 15 year olds good bye and good night now keep yourself to yourself dont care what you have to say strange man bye
Last thing i will say is you need to remember its a computer game i dont even know why i played with u i now play with non moaners and in a very good clan game so gl trying to have a serious game when u playing with 15 year olds good bye and good night now keep yourself to yourself dont care what you have to say strange man bye

Look kid your trying to portrait yourself on here as someone you are not and i am not the only person to post bad words against you but instead of guys wasting there time joining you i would rather they got warning first because you are awfull and this is cominig from someone who knows all about you

how can u ask for mature players when you are the most immmature person on the planet son?

anyway take it easy enjoy your game pmsl and 15 year olds ? wasnt you the guy who let 14 year old robbie join?
age is not the be all and end all for me son its loyality attitude and how long and much they can play .