
Dec 17, 2008
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Contemplating getting the new Ipad, wanted to know if anyone new of any way to play FM on it?
Can't you just buy FM from the app store?
Im sure u can just buy FM from App Store :D

Im thinkin about getting ipad 2 :)
Cheers for your comments, I have never played FM from the app store. Anyone know if it the same or anything near the real game or is it very basic?
I aint exactly rich, i am 16 but i save my money up well and might sell my ipod touch to get it + money on top. Porbs wont get it til later, but i do want 1 hopefully. dont really care about getting it first to be honest.
Its very basic its like the PSP version if you have played that?
You don't really have to be 'rich' to get an iPad, just relatively well-off.

To pay around £500 for a device that is pretty much what is on the market right now then I would say you have to have a fair bit of expendable income
You don't really have to be 'rich' to get an iPad, just relatively well-off.

^ agreed with Ed.

It's like a games console, people have money to buy them and aren't seen as "rich", or even monthly phone contracts. If you like the Ipad and you have enough money.. then why not?
The iPod version really should be only be played at the iPod - it's nothing like the PC version :S
Much better getting the full PC version, like the guy who posted earlier said
Surely it'll run slow?

I mean £200 - £300 PC/Laptops in some cases struggle to run it
Ive got an iPad, you can purchase football manager from the App Store, but it is very basic, sort of minimal tactics, transfers, etc, not the same in game graphics as the actual disc version. But I like to have it on the iPad for when I get bored I can just play a few games etc. :)
If he buys it from the app store it will be the handheld version, which isn't a patch on the full game, although i believe that is the only option with the ipads capabilities...
honestly don't see the point in tablets but that's just my opinion

Agreed. iPods weren't big enough to show off i guess.. And FM on it should be pretty basic, if it is indeed similar to the PSP version. I had it once for PSP, thought my social life was totally tore down, but the game sucks big time. Wouldn't advise on buying it, if it really is like the other one.