The fact that he could only bid that amount because he took a 500mill loan makes it alot worse. Kennry has the worlds best players in every postion including coach now because he's been overbidding and playing with 1.5 times the budget the vast majority of us don't have.
Isn't the point of the loan ( if there is any???) so he can fill out his squad not so he can continue overbidding on quality players/managers?
Suppose there was no way back at this point at the very least reduce the loan and put a cap on his bids. I.E 100 mill and 15 mill max bid at this rate you'll be extending his loan to $1bln.
Yeah but you realise that giving out loans drives prices up especially the way kennry has been bidding (getting a loan and then using it to make the biggest bid next round is a joke) , thereby forcing more people on loans. Loans only should be available to fill a squad, its not there to enable you to keep bidding/outbidding for the quality players.
Kenrry i'm not having a go at you, i'm just hoping the game stays balanced, you can't possibly have such a huge team. You've got 4/5 of the top strikers in the game! And every other player is a top 5 in the game.
kenrry even though your my deathly rival, i dont hate you, but im not a big fan of the loans, i agree. you shouldnt get mourinho, your team is already f'in amazing. now with him, for 80 million!! overbidders deserve punishment.
Tbf i did the max bid i could for mou which is 80mil i stayed on the limit so i dont see the problem
i didnt over bid he said 80 was max so i stayed there
Here is mine