FM10's FacePacks & Kits in FM11?


Jan 2, 2009
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Just wondering if it's just possible to copy and paste into the new folder and they'll work, or have the unique ID's changed?

EDIT: Never mind. They work. Previously, I'd tried it, and they weren't showing. Another quick reload in Preferences, and away we go! :)
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They work if you just copy your graphics folder over.

Just remember to go into 'Preferences' > 'Display and Sound' in the game and untick 'Use Skin Cache' and tick 'Always reload skin on confirm'
problem with showing player images

hi i am having a simular problemi have installed a facepack but i want to add two other images how do i go about doing that? and where do i need to put the images?
hi i am having a simular problemi have installed a facepack but i want to add two other images how do i go about doing that? and where do i need to put the images?

theres a program called fm guru which will possibly allow you to put these images into the game through the unique ID's, i haven't actually used it but maybe give this program go :)