
Sep 18, 2009
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A few weeks ago me and a mate started an FM save where I'd do one season and then give him the save. He'd then do the following season and give it back. This worked when I gave him the save, but when he gave it back at the end of season 2 it says 'The saved game could not be loaded' when I try to open it.

I would say that the file is corrupt, however when I transfer the save back onto his laptop he can proceed to load it perfectly fine and continue playing as normal.

My OS is Windows Vista and he uses Windows 7.

Any ideas what can be done to fix this?
What patch did you start the game on? Are you both running the same patch? If you started the game prior to 11.2 and had the Polish league loaded, and then try to load that game on patch 11.2 I believe this happens.

If you update to 11.2.1 it should fix it. If that was the cause.
Perfect answer thanks! I patched it with 11.2.1 and it worked. I should probably keep up to date with the updates. My mate has steam so it did his automatically and I didn't even know there was an update available.

Thanks Tharros!