no schedules available for downloading yet?
Not a priority. The point of the article is to teach you enough about the training module so you are able to create custom schedules to fit your own team. (H)
no schedules available for downloading yet?
ok one more thing. I did strength/aerobic up high, same with tactics and everyone else on light, almost everyone is match fit, bar 3 players. However, everyone is unhappy with the training. Should i still persevere for the 6 more days i have left of July or immediatley get them specified? I'm inclined to stick with it, for the mental attributes, however them being unhappy is counter-intuitive to me trying to build squad morale.
Not a priority. The point of the article is to teach you enough about the training module so you are able to create custom schedules to fit your own team. (H)
great thread, very useful. however can you tell me how i put my players on individual training, my assistant will flag the odd one up in backroom advice but can i do it manually?
this was really helpfull so cheers for that, but on my training screen, i dont have an option for shooting or overall workload:S if some one could guide me to the right place id love that, i would show a screen shot but i dont know how to do them:L