FMC 2013 question/ help

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Nov 13, 2012
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New member here, and bought fm 2013 today. Ive been playin CM an FM since the old amiga version (think like 93/94) and have been an addict since :)
I have to say ive kinda slowly fallen outta love with the game slowly since the eidos/SI split...I know SI have all the brain power but i so much prefered eidos's interface.

Anyways, didnt bother with 2012 as after playin 2011 for a couple of months, I was soon back to 01/02! I just wish they could put the depth of teams into that classic! Ive never been someone to manage the top teams, always take over lower league minnows, and enjoy challenges more than easy success. I bought this purely for the classic mode, I did like the full sim as its depth is very appealing...I just get frustrated at lookin at the clock at 3am, realise youve been playin for 8 hours an only completeing 5-6 games! LOL.. ive just checked the time...its 5:46 am, and ive been playin FMC for around 11 hours and played 7 games :O
Been kinda impressed with the game so far, starting to get used to the interface..maybe a little bit too dumbed down, hope maybe some modders can sort that out ;) question for FMC: (Managing Truro City BSB/S )

Can you only have assistant manager, head physio and chief scout? No coaches? In the staff search these are all I get.

I hope you can, maybe at bigger clubs?

It seems that you can only have those posts at your club! Which is a bit of a shame
Something wrong with you pc i think mate. Season takes me 6-7 hours tops on fmc lol.
thanks Xmorkx :)
it is a shame.

lol merv
my pc's fine mate, its just me :P

I think im gonna give the full game another shot...been cool if they made the game more customizable so you could just turn on an off the things you want! I know football managment isnt this complicated!
Took the words out of my mouth! Making the game much more customisable would be much much better, as some of the things they have left out are really infuriating. Another thing that really annoys me is that you can only run 3 countries but you have to run all leagues in that country. Also you cant change the colours of stuff like you can in the main game. Why oh why put them in the main game but not in FMC.
FMC has bags of potential and for me personally i prefer it to the full game as can do a season sooooo quickly and is really chilled.
Personally feel they need tk let user decide how many nations they want to run and db size.

Other than tha i think FMC is perfect. CM0102 is Prob most succesful game and it has all the featurs that game has. Simplicity is key. Adding things just takes it astep towards full game again.