When a tactic wins PL with default Stoke squad, then we have a winner.Until then...let's focus on getting those wonderkids and cheap good players you read from forums, eh?
When a tactic wins PL with default Stoke squad, then we have a winner.Until then...let's focus on getting those wonderkids and cheap good players you read from forums, eh?
You could make a tactic that will do that, but just because you can make a tactic that will win with Stoke that doesn't mean its better than another tactic. On beta I made a tactic that I won the BPL first season with Swansea. I thought it was amazing so I plugged it with Juventus and I won the league again (obviously) but I had a load of results I didnt like. Scored nowhere near enough for being Juventus. So I tweaked and made a tactic that stopped that bad results for Juventus and I began consistent 5-0's. And then put it back to Swansea and guess what. It didn't work as well. Then 15.1 came out and I created the Barrow tactic.
I've put off tactic creation until the final FM2015 patch is out, Cant be bothered with creating for 15.2 to be honest.
What I'm saying is different tactic suit different teams and different leagues. Because different leagues have different common styles of play and so on.
The stupidest question of the day winner is......ME!!! So here goes...
Did you use "Counter" mentality from the start to the finish of the match??
Regarding creating tactics for 15.2, I think after the last patch all these super tactics we have now will stop working because there are loads of complaints on SI forums about high pressing, ultra attacking tactics are overpowered. They're going to nerf them 100 %.
@Satorox quindi pensi possa funzionare mettere contropiede quando si gioca con le big fuori casa?
secondo me aumenta le probabilità di riuscire a fare risultato.
Ma tipo per fare chiarezza, lo faresti sempre quando l'altra squadra è favorita o solo quando sei tipo il Sassuolo allo Juventus Stadium?