"Follia" - SATOROX, Extinction76 tons of goal

wkdsoul can you post the instructions for your strikers?

Yh, let me just work on a few things. The 2 wide are pretty standard, just allowed to roam, ( i think).

the centre one and the defence i've playing around with mostly.
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i dont see point in changing striker roles as this tactic scores loads
just been sent this tweak

not tired yet but meant to be good
Its another tactic from here, that doesnt seem to be doing that great if you read the thread though..
I just won with AC milan league. It was going great. But have to say at end of season My main striker stoped scoring. at least how he used to. And my results were pretty bad.

All in all tactic is great (version 2 using but dont see much differenc in results with version one and stopers and version 2) just hope it won't happen again in end of season.

And one more thing. I did't buy any players and won't. I want only Milan players and new regens.