Football Manager 2010 Features & Screenshots

can't wait 2010 every year this game has people hanging and waiting in anticipation

Like many others I been waiting for the NEW FM 2010 to come out.. (H)
roll on end of oct..
not to take a shine of it but it sounds and looks a little like championship manager 2010:'(
i hope not.. having seen and played the demo (cm2020). I await for the FM2010 demo coming soon but when .. what date.. any1 know ???

come on ye wolves.. (H)(H)


Football Manager 2010 Press Release

LONDON (August 12th, 2009) – Sports Interactive & SEGA® Europe Ltd. can today announce that Football Manager™ 2010 for PC and Apple Macintosh, and Football ManagerHandheld 2010 for Sony PSP will be released on October 30th.

Football Manager 2009 is the most successful in the Football Manager series to date, clocking up 22 weeks at No.1 in the UK (PC charts) and selling in excess of 1 million copies worldwide, as well as being voted the 2nd best video game of all time in a recent Radio 1 poll.

According to data gathered from Football Manager 2009, people played the game for an average of 240 hours each and developer Sports Interactive has spent the last year working closely with consumers and the Football Manager community to implement key improvements to this year’s game. Football Manager 2010 features new tools and changes across the board including some big additions to improve ease of use, navigation and feedback from the game with the introduction of a brand new match tactics system, the debut of a Match Analysis tool, a completely new look and new User Interface among other features.

“We have worked very hard with the Football Manager community to target not only the areas of the game that needed re-working but also what we could add to improve what’s already there. We’ve also conducted extensive usability studies which has led us to overhaul the whole presentation of the game, which we’re really excited about,” said Miles Jacobson, Studio Director at Sports Interactive. “There has been a lot of polish to existing areas of the game but it’s also driven us to introduce changes to answer some of the feedback. We’re very confident that having done that we will deliver the very best Football Manager to date in October.”

The introduction of a Tactics Creator makes it easier to instruct the team to play the way the manager wants, alongside the introduction of touchline ‘shouts’ and quick tactic changes for instantly altering your team’s playing style during the match. Working with coaches from various levels of football, alongside some of the Football Manager communities most respected independent tacticians, the game now has an extensive array of pre-set tactical options allowing the user to select a player’s role in the team (such as ‘Ball winning midfielder’ or ‘Deep lying playmaker’), however the option to use the old ‘slider’ controls remains.

Feedback from matches has been improved to give the user better insight into where their team is going wrong, or right. A new Match Analysis tool lets players see where shots, passes, crosses, headers, tackles, fouls and interceptions have been made on the field for all players on the pitch. Managers can view this analysis both live in-game and post match, allowing them to pinpoint the strengths and weaknesses of both their team and their opponent’s and adjust their tactics accordingly.

Football Manager 2010 features a brand new User Interface, with a light and a dark skin to choose from as part of a vibrant new look and has undergone a complete navigational overhaul. The side bar navigation of previous years has been replaced by an intuitive tab system at the top of the screen, making Football Manager’s famed depth easier to navigate and will make the game more accessible to new players.

A brand new Data Editor will allow the addition of new divisions to existing leagues and of entirely new leagues as well as making it easier than ever to keep the game up to date, and do so for free. The delivery of information to the manager has been refined with users now able to sign up to the News Centre, an in-game subscription based newspaper that lets you get the news that you want about the football world and filter out the stories that you do not need, making the football world as immersive as you want it to be.

Following the debut of a 3D match view in Football Manager 2009, this year’s release sees a revamp with improved AI, over 100 new animations for the 3D pitch view, new stadiums, crowds, realistic pitch degradation and better lighting, creating an even more realistic match experience.

Further new features will be announced via a series of blogs in the months leading up to the game’s October 30th release date which will ensure that Football Manager retains its position as the most realistic, most played, highest reviewed and best selling football management simulation in the world.


Pre-Order Football Manager 2010 For Only £29 - Save Over £10! - Release Date 30th October
The Last Negotiated Feature is very NICE but still the Transfer Center does not please me.

Why can't I negotiate a number of transfers from there in terms of duration?

for example, right now i am starting a game with Man City, and I just offered 7 reserve players on loan to other clubs but all of them want my players for a period of 6 months. That doesn't satisfy me, i like to loan my players for an entire season. And even with the new 'last negotiated' button, it still is a slave's job to negotiate all offers like that. I have about 70 offers for all of those players but ALL of them just for 6 months.

What's wrong... HOPE they "fix" this before the full version of the game.
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The clubs are offering 6 months as that makes the most sense for them. They don't need a player for the entire season as they do not need loan players in the close season.
The clubs are offering 6 months as that makes the most sense for them. They don't need a player for the entire season as they do not need loan players in the close season.

Yes... i know BUT remember. I offered the player, and I want to loan them out for an entire season. I don't want to find myself with 10 or more players returning from loans in December and DO IT all over again. Get it? What I want to do is tick the Can be recalled option so that if i notice they're not playing at all... then i can call them back and loan them out to other clubs.

IN real life... what's the point of loaning out 15 players to gain experience in lower division clubs only to have them back after 6 months even if they are doing well at those clubs?

Finally... if you look for info... these 6 month loans happen mostly in England. In Portugal for example, a club loans out a player for an entire season and there are even clauses that make sure the loaned out players play for at least 60 or 70% of the games. I think these are features in deep need of enhancement in FM.
I know that's what you want. But clubs are just offering you want they want. That's life I guess. It's just the way loans happen in England.

I am not arguing that... I don't really think you got my point. You keep telling me that's what clubs want... ok, fine... it suits them and i can't complain. What I really want, is not for the clubs to offer me whichever deal i have in mind but the possibility for me to have a transfer center where i can control all the little details in such transfers. If I have 40 offers for a player and can't say to all those clubs at the same time that in order for a deal to go on they have to meet my a, b, c and d demands what's the point of such a transfer center? Are you following me now?

I just want a totally controllable transfer center to every little simple detail.

Just looking to maximize my game playing time in other aspects of the game. Being a fan like me I bet you spend LOTS of time dealing with transfers and loans. How much of that time could be spared with that?! :)

I am sorry to insist on this, it's just that i think this is a big problem for lots of fans out there and not only me, which was what one could perceive from the way you and I were talking about this...

I am not arguing that... I don't really think you got my point. You keep telling me that's what clubs want... ok, fine... it suits them and i can't complain. What I really want, is not for the clubs to offer me whichever deal i have in mind but the possibility for me to have a transfer center where i can control all the little details in such transfers. If I have 40 offers for a player and can't say to all those clubs at the same time that in order for a deal to go on they have to meet my a, b, c and d demands what's the point of such a transfer center? Are you following me now?

I just want a totally controllable transfer center to every little simple detail.

Just looking to maximize my game playing time in other aspects of the game. Being a fan like me I bet you spend LOTS of time dealing with transfers and loans. How much of that time could be spared with that?! :)

I am sorry to insist on this, it's just that i think this is a big problem for lots of fans out there and not only me, which was what one could perceive from the way you and I were talking about this...

Yeah I get what you mean. It would be nice if you could set out specific parameters for a transfer/loan and only receive offers that meet those as like I said the majority of the time other clubs simply offer you useless deals that only make sense to them.
just wondering, does anyone know if the ryman leagues will be playable

Well on the blog it said this "Ability to add lower levels to existing league structures (E.g. Regional Premier Divisions)" on the editor section... Which makes me assume you can't? However it can be done.. Who knows :)

You can change the television money, EPIC!!! This new editor looks fun.. I think FM needs a bit of fun in it, everyone's a bit too serious about it aha. :)
does anyone knows , why on Steam release date is shown as 31 of October???

found myself, it is steam mistake, no panic :)
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now i'm living the dream ... the game is running on my computer right now .