Football Manager 2014 Training - Staff Calculator


May 5, 2013
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Following the success of last years Staff Calculator we have re-released it for Football Manager 2014. After testing it is clear this still works as well as last year with very minor tweaks. So you are now able to download the Staff Calculator for Football Manager 2014! What does it do, well many things. It allows you to make the most of your staff team, no matter how big or small. It allows you to place them all in their correct places. It shows you how good your staff team is. It allows you to figure out where you need to strengthen your staff team.

There is far more to it, but that is a brief overview. It is a great free tool for Football Manager 2014, so why not try it!

I noticed changes in the rating of goalkeeper coaches, is the calculator edited for those changes?
After testing it, I can see that it's not. This tool is not properly updated for the rating of coaches in FM 14.

It tells me my goalkeeping coach is 5 star rated (96%), but he's actually 4.5 stars.