Football Manager 2015: Help with In-Game Editor :(


Aug 13, 2015
Reaction score
Hi. I'm playing Football Manager 2015 I'm using the in-game editor to edit stats on players and staff members, but after a certain matter of time their stats decreases rapidly. Do you know what could be the issue here?

Please help!
You need to increase the CA as well, as that influences player stats. :)
Fx. how? Should the CA be low or high? I mean how should I balance it?

And thanks for the quick respond.
Hi. I'm playing Football Manager 2015 I'm using the in-game editor to edit stats on players and staff members, but after a certain matter of time their stats decreases rapidly. Do you know what could be the issue here?

Please help!

that influences player stats.
If you look at the player details in the editor, it will say "recommended current ability," so after you have fiddled with their atts, then just set it to that or maybe one or two higher. Also make sure that their Potential Ability is set to a higher number; ex. if you edit a youngster to 181 Current Ability, but his Potential Ability is set to -9, his atts will drop (maybe by a lot of if he gets the low end of that PA)

EDIT - attached a screenie in case my explanation was poor

View attachment 233703.
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