Football Quiz

Tut, and I thought Id manage to keep that one going a while lol

Edit: Ah wait, I just had a better look, you support the Geordies, makes sense :D
let me ask another question please as you guys interrupted mine

who was sven goran erikssons first signing as man city manager

There is only one team out of the 4 divisions in England and the 4 divisions in Scotland that have a 'j' in their name. Which team?
st johnstone

---------- Post added at 05:50 PM ---------- Previous post was at 05:50 PM ----------

Dammit tommy
Woohoo finally
The first African nation to beat European opposition in a World Cup finals?
Who did they beat?
St Johnstone

---------- Post added at 10:55 PM ---------- Previous post was at 10:54 PM ----------

Algeria v Germany 2-1 1982??
I mean who were the first African team to beat European opposition....

Yes Dave you are correct, you're up buddy
Wow, showing my age

only one team has beaten spurs in an fa cup final, who were they and when?