For anyone with Network I.P problems

May 30, 2006
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If you are encountering problems mainly because there are two i.p addresses shown on your fm game I overcame it by:

1. Turn any firewall you have off
2. Give the person who is wanting to join the game the second i.p address.
Well you wouldn't give them your internal IP address. ;)
Hi i am wanting to start a new fm network game and i am wondering whether i need a router to do so, because on the FAQ they say that you may have to open ports on your router so i am just asking for advice. Thanks Tet
Nah you don't need a Router to host a network game. It's actually easier to host one without a Router. :)
AdamHarrison06 said:
If you are encountering problems mainly because there are two i.p addresses shown on your fm game I overcame it by:

1. Turn any firewall you have off
2. Give the person who is wanting to join the game the second i.p address.

Sean could do with advice from you Ad
Well, i'm behind a router and can play very well almost every game exept the PS2 ones.
Ditto, I have never had a problem with any games as I have been playing PS2 online and PC games online since I got my router. The only game that I have a problem with is FM 2006 :(