From España With Love - Or Hate

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Mar 1, 2011
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June 28th, 2011
University of Warwick:
A Lasting Impression

The University main hall can be imposing at the best of times. And for the UEFA 'A' Licence graduates, it had been an area of intense study for the last three weeks, leading up to the final exam. Now, it was deserted, save for one person.
Eve Smith had been secretary to Ben Wilkinson, the Dean residing over UEFA applicants, for almost 10 years. She'd seen manager hopefuls come and go, but never had she been summoned to attend a meeting with her boss about a student. Never mind two students.

She knocked on the door with her free hand. She'd heard about the two graduates who's reports she now held in her hands. Best of their generation, the examiners had said. Naturals.

"Come in, Eve. Please, take a seat."
Ben Wilkinson was a man who kept himself fit, even at the old age of 53. He notioned to the seat in front of his desk. As the Dean, he never really had any input into the learning side of the course, the closest he got to the students was disciplining anyone who'd had too much to drink the night before.
"So, who are these two? I've heard a lot from the coaches here. Is it true what they say, about them world class, even at their ages?" Eve asked.

"Yes." Wilkinson picked up the first report. A toned, brown-haired man looked out from the snapshot.
"Joseba Muniain. Former Spanish defensive midfielder. Picked up twenty-five caps by the age of 23. Impressive, for an orphan - his mother died during childbirth and no-one knows the father. Some say it was Martin Vasquez, the old Real Madrid player? Would explain the young man's hatrid for the Galacticos. Scouted age 8 from the backstreets of Madrid by both Real and Atletico, choosing the latter - not something many young Madrid born children would do. Was playing in the U15's at 12, the U17's at 15. Made his Spanish youth debut at 16 at U21 level. Full Spanish debut at 19. Named Atletico's Player of the year 3 years running between 2003 and 2005. La Liga Young Player of the Year... the list goes on."
"So why's he here... Why isn't he still playing?" Eve questioned.
"Well... The young Muniain, you understand, grew up way too fast. No parental input, pressures of a nation... quickly he turned to drink - ended up in a car accident. Sheared his cruciate ligament clean from his knee. Police reports say he was way over the limit. Quit football after that and came here, to learn how to coach. Still has his moments - He was brought to me only a couple of weeks ago after being found passed out on the edge of the grounds. He could go all the way to the top, as long as he avoids it. He obtained one of the highest marks in the last 20 years"
"One of?"
"Aye. You've got the report of the person who beat him in your hand."
He placed the second report on the desk. A tall, dark-haired woman looked back at the pair of them.
"Another Spaniard. Daniella Contra. - don't sound so suprised, Miss Smith."
Eve looked away, embarressed - a gasp of shock had escaped her. "Muniain was beaten by a woman?"
"Yes. And an exceptional one at that. A tactical genius - passed every test with flying colours. Muniain and her may be best friends, but he still holds a grudge. She can have her moments, however - She almost reduced another female student to tears because she disagreed with her. Very hostile temper - She's quick to rise to insults, too. I believe hot-headed could be the term. Her grandmother and mother were both diagnosed with clinical depression, and I believe she allows herself to let her emotions to get the better of her - to try to prove she's stronger. Born in Seville to working class parents, she excelled upfront in mixed football to age 11, moving on to Sevilla FC Femenino at the age of 13. She rose through the ranks, breaking record after record. Youngest goalscorer, youngest 1st teamer, most goals in a season, youngest full Spanish Women's cap, it just keeps going on and on. Even won a World award at the 2007 Women's World Cup - the Golden Ball. Her mother died in 2009, and she quit football weeks later. Came here, struck up a friendship with Joseba, and the rest is history. She'll boss a top male club yet, but she'll have to be phenomenal."
"Very good point. They've both got history. It'll be interesting, that's for sure. I'll see you when you need me, sir." Eve added, nodding in agreement. She gathered the reports up in her hands and left.

Unbeknownst to them, only a couple of hundred metres away, what sounded like a full scale war was raging.

Hello everyone. This is going to be a joint story from two points of view by me and Steve*. His updates will be from the eyes of Joseba Muniain, whilst mine are from the eyes of Daniella Contra. Hope you all enjoy!
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Great op by Danny, May I also add that this story is just going on in our net game in our own free time. We will update as much as possible, however we both have other projects so dont rush us :)

For more information on our writing styles please check out our personal stories:
Dannys Story:
Steve* story: ( been sidetracked lately,expect updates soon)

If you enjoy please leave feedback to us. Thanks,
26th October 2011
Southern Seville, Andalucia.
The Hunt is on...

"... Que te jodan! You're telling me, that in all this time, the best job offer you've got me is the Wycombe Wanderers' physio? Puta! Get out there and do what I pay you to do! Don't call me until you have a manager's job lined up for me!"

I slammed the phone down. Seething, I wandered over to the desk poured myself a glass of wine and curled up in front of Sky Sports News. I had the highest grades for a UEFA course in over a quarter of a century... I should be up to my eyeballs in job offers. Managerial ones, not some ****, backend job as a physio in Wycombe.

I felt my phone ring. If this was Andreas again - I'd kill him. Unless he had a job offer, of course. I snapped the phone open and hit the button.
"What?" I said, with an air of venom about my voice.
"Well hi there, Dani!" An obviously faked Danish accent came down the phone. "I've managed to get you a job! How'd you like to be... the new boss of Forest Green Rovers! Under 18's!" It was Joseba Muniain, masqurading as my agent.
"No thanks, Seba" I answered.
"Really? It's a massive club! Honest!"
"Yeah right, Cabrón." I spat back. Joseba had been keeping up these jokes for a while now.
"Anyway, might want to tone it down, we don't all want to know about your job offers! Speaking of that, got any yet?" Joseba quizzed. Obviously he'd heard about Wycombe. **** papers. I just didn't want to give him the satisfaction of admitting it.
"No Seb. Obviously not, or I wouldn't still be here. Maybe you just keep your eyes on Sky Sports and you might find out about jobs, how's about that?" Something caught my eye, scrolling along the bottom of the screen.
"If you want to talk, I'll call you back." Snapping the phone shut, I glanced up at the TV.
---Breaking News---
---Malaga Boss Sacked---

Smiling to myself, I opened the phone again. Andreas would probably know already, but I had to make sure.
This was my chance.​
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Chapter 2 Part II

My sides hurt as I laugh so hard while putting down the phone. I couldnt resist phoning Danni after I heard the rumour she had been offered a ****** physio job at a lowly English club. I can imagine her fury when been offered the job by her agent.
Andreas had approached me also requesting to be my agent but I wasnt praticularly interested. He is a smart bloke from what I heard but he sometimes rushes through a move without getting the best deal for his client.

I switch on my shiny new MacBook, a gift from the FA for both me and Daniella for our excellent results. After waiting a moment for it to load up I go into Thunderbird to check my mails. There are only 2 worth mentioning, the first being from a Mr. Wilkinson who after reading the mail has declared his interest in becoming my agent.
I read over the proposal and it seems that he takes a back seat and just handles my public relations and sorts out my contracts in the bet fashion possible. I may give him a call back in a few minutes.
The second is an automated Email from SkySports RSS feeds. This email put a smile on my face as it informed me that the Malaga manager Pellegrini had been relieved of his post. I know that Danni would also be interested so I would have to act fast and apply.
"This was it" I thought, the moment when close friends become rivals. I proceed to look around the web to see if there were rumours of any other managers being sacked and the only jobs rumoured to be insecure were those of Arsene Wenger at Arsenal and Pablo Correa at Evian TFG. Both clubs would interest me and I decided to keep a close eye on them.
Just then I got a notification on the bottom of the screen to say I have 1 new mail in my inbox. I click in and see who it is from as my eyes light up with joy. Sheik Mansour had just sent me a message entitled "Job Offer".

I click into the mail almost about to **** myself however my excitement soon turns to despair as I read more and more. The offer was not for manager as I had thought but for the position of Youth Coach. The Sheik mentioned that I came highly reccomended and was told of my brilliant potential.
The offer took me about a second to reach my decision. I couldnt reduce myself to being a coach. I spent the past two years studying to become a manager and that is all I would settle for.
So I sent my reply and thanked the Sheik for his offer however I sincerely reject his offer. I wanted to tell him ‘Me cago en la madre que te parió!’ but I thought the better of it as I may look to coach the club sometime in the future.

I slump back im my chair feeling disjointed and rejected. I, The most promising male manager to come through the UEFA coaching course in history couldnt find a job of any relevance.
I think to myself that my reputation may have been dented because I was beaten by a girl. I start to fill up with rage and know exactly what I need to do. I submit my application to the Malaga chairman for the vacant post before powering off my computer, then pour myself a large neat whiskey.
The last thought I have is " I am Joseba, I am the special one" before the room goes dark and I pass out...
To be continued.

Sorry for the lack of originality in my first few posts, i am just trying to get into character, more background story will be followed in the near future, please leave feedback.
16th November 2011
Southern Seville, Andalucia
A Call in the Dark

"Dear Miss Contra.
We at Malaga thank you for your application for the vacant manager's post at the club. However we feel you may not have the experience or the qualities to guide the club to the next level. We wish you luck in your search for your first managerial post.
Yours, Malaga C.F."

Three weeks. Three ******* weeks.
I'd sat waiting for three whole weeks, hoping the club would get back to me. I was shaking as I shut the Macbook. It was my own fault I was like this, said the voice in the back of my head. I should have known Arab owners wouldn't hire a woman - it's against their nature. Even when Seba had called to say he'd got the rejection e-mail a week ago, I'd thought I'd had a chance.

Qualities? I was the most qualified young manager out there! I felt the anger rise up in me. Yeah right - it's just corprate bullshit for not hiring a woman - said that little voice again. I reached for a packet of cigarettes on the side, shook out the lighter and took a long drag. Deep down, I knew I had to look abroad, the Spanish were just too chauvanistic. Look at Joseba for example, moaning away and blaming me for everything. He's got it in his head that me beating him has damaged his reputation. More like the amount of alcohol he drinks, since only thing that's damaged more than his reputation is his liver.

I reached for the bottle of wine on the side and filled a glass, smiling to myself. The only good part about this whole thing, I told myself, is that Joseba hasn't got a job either. Booting the laptop up again, I logged back into Hotmail. 1 new message - from a German address. I double clicked on the name.

"Gutentag, Miss Contra.
Our club would like to offer you the job as our new manager. The current boss has stepped down due to health issues and highlighted you as a top candidate..."

I scrolled down as my smile grew larger. Next stop, Germany.
But first, a phone call was in order...​
Just a small complaint here - In Spanish, it's Daniela, with a single 'l'. Aside from that, looks really good.

Keep up the good work!
Just a small complaint here - In Spanish, it's Daniela, with a single 'l'. Aside from that, looks really good.

Keep up the good work!

Cheers mate :) Realised that the one I'd used was the Italian spelling when Steve pointed it out :L
Chapter 3 Part II

The wind shakes the trees outside as I sit in my apartment on a cold November evening when all of a sudden a noise breaks my concentration from my MacBook.
"I'm that star up in the sky
I'm that mountain peak up high
Hey, I made it
I'm the worlds greatest
I realise its my ringtone, a bit vain to be honest but hey I am the greatest. I look at the screen and realise it is Daniella. I hesitate for a moment and then click the accept button.
"Hola Joseba, how are you this lovely evening?". Straight away panic bells ring in my ears. Danni is never in a good mood so straight away I sense the reason for her call. I crack on not to know the reason for her chirpiness and simply say "Hola, Im good thanks. How is the job hunt going?". To which the reply is " Oh great, as a matter of fact I have gotten an offer from a top team on the continent. Its not finalised yet as I still have to sort out personal terms". This confirms my fears, that ***** beat me to getting a job. "Thats erm... great news, care to tell me what club it is?" is my reply. " Well I realy cant say as of yet as they stil have to sort out their old managers compensation and agree to his departure but you will see on the news in the next couple of weeks" is the calm and collected response I get. "How is the job hunt going?" I am asked. "Well I turned down an offer from a lowly English team last week. They were in the Championship so it didnt interest me. But I have my eye on a few positions which seem to be under threat". "Thats good, anyway I must be off, good luck with getting a job perdedor" and before I can reply the call is disconnected. Loser? I cant believe the cheek of her to say that. I put my phone down on my locker and open a bottle of Tequila, God knows I need a drink after that bad news.

It is now December and there is still no sign of jobs available. The rumour mill has said that Everton, HSV, Gladbach, Schalke and Villareal will be looking to change managers in the next couple of weeks so I decide to keep a close eye on all of those clubs. I had been offered the chance to take over at Leeds United in England. But the team were bottom of the Championship and I was told if I accepted I wouldnt have any money to strenghten the team. I thought this would be a bad decision so declined the post. I was destined for much greater things than a "former giant" club. I look over all the clubs that were insecure and noticed that Gladbach and HSV were to play each other next weekend. I chance my arm and book a ticket to the match. Firstly to get a glimpse of the potential I could have to work with and secondly to get my name about and hope one of the clubs recognise my interest.

I arrive in Mönchengladbach late on Saturday morning and it has already began to snow. The match doesnt begin until 3 so I decide I have enough time to grap a coffee and a doghnut. I sit in the cafe and look through the newspaper on the table. Its printed in German but I comprehend it as I did my work experience with Bayern while doing my coaching badges. There is mention of the match with it being alabelled a must win for both teams. It has been three weeks since Danni rang me to tell me her news of a job and I still hadnt heard from her since. I decided that I would call her after the match. I drink my coffee and take a swig of my nagan of vodka which was in my coat pocket. The waitress comes over and takes my card to pay for the items and returns soon after. I find my seat fairly easily in the stadium and already the big screen has shown me and I recieve a rapport of applause. This isexactly the reaction I was after as I have definatelly been noticed by both clubs now. However the next thing I see left a look of both shock and horror on my face....
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Very good but isn't the last line supposed to be "The next thing I see left a look of ..."

Very nice update though! :)
Very good but isn't the last line supposed to be "The next thing I see left a look of ..."

Very nice update though! :)

Cheers for pointing that out. Didnt notice it, sometimes I can be a sloppy writer. :)