From España With Love - Or Hate

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Chapter 4:
The Start Of An Era
10th December 2011

"People are fragile things, you should know by now
Be careful what you put them through...."

Ah. Munich, by the Editors. The high-pitched guitar riffs kicked in as I drove from the hotel to Borussia-Park for the press conference that would begin it all. Only a couple of weeks since I replied to Gladbach's e-mail, I pondered over the challenge ahead. Admittedly, there were easier tasks out there. The team was cemented to the bottom of the Bundesliga with only one win to their name all season. However, it was a job. Something 'Mr Muniain' didn't have I told myself. I could imagine him now, fretting over Sky Sports, waiting for the Barca or Liverpool jobs to become available. That man must be as addicted to rejection as he is to the drink.

Gladbach had been very hush-hush over the whole affair, even the club's loyal fans didn't know the whole story of my hiring. I looked out from my large Armani sunglasses at the fans for today's match against Hamburg SV. I saw spatterings of red in the midst of the white shirts. Liverpool jerseys? Then I remembered that Borussia fans had a affinity for the Merseyside club. Not great - since my favourite English club was Manchester United. Better keep my loyalties quiet, I thought. As I parked up and locked my Audi, I saw fans looking toward the back of the car, as if expecting another person to exit from the back. They're in for a shock come three, I mused.As I walked through the main body of the stadium toward the press room, I saw members of the press looking my way, as if wondering who this woman could be. I strode into the brightly-lit room and took my seat next to the chairman, Rolf Königs. There was a collective gasp around the room, followed by low muttering. Königs addressed the assorted media:

We as a club are here today to announce the replacement for Lucien Favre, who as you know left us just over a month ago. Our new manager is the highest ever scoring participant in the UEFA Coaches exam, and a highly sought after candidate..."
I suppressed a slight giggle. Highly sought after? That was a bit of an exaggeration.
"So, not to waste any more time, may I present to you, the new Gladbach manager - Miss Daniella Contra"

"Gracias, Mr Königs, and hola to all of you today. I'm very happy to be here at Gladbach, my first club, a club that boasts such a rich history. I believe that I can guide the club from it's recent troubles and back to being a European power once again." There was a round of applause as I finished.

"Miss Contra?" A journalist spoke up. I noticed an A Coruña accent.
Great, Spanish cabrónes. I thought. I left to avoid these types.
"Si?" I answered, trying to sound as nonchalant as possible.
"How do you respond to the rumours that, as the first female manager at a top European club, your players may feel insulted with your appointment?"

Typical Spaniard. Like Joseba, all of them.
"Any player with that mentality at this club will soon find themselves out the door." I replied.
"Reports suggest you are a Manchester United fan. How do you think this will affect you, at a club with strong links to Liverpool?" Another pipped up.
"I do not know where these 'reports' came from. I have one love, and that is for my Sevilla"
Close one.
"Miss Contra, as a woman..."
I quickly whispered an apology to Königs and interrupted the journo's question by standing up.
"If all you are going to question me on is my gender, then this conference is over"
"But, Miss Contra, our readers would like to know..." He began.

"Joder a sus lectores!" I screeched as the room fell silent. Many looked confused, the journo from A Coruña looked shocked. I turned and walked straight out the door, fuming.

I lit a cigarette outside with shaking hands. How dare they, I thought to myself. Feeling my anger ebb away, I flicked the **** into the gutter and checked my watch. Two o'clock. I headed toward the dressing rooms, and stepped inside. A couple of players were already there, the German U21 goalkeeper, Marc-Andre Ter Stegen, and the young winger Marco Reus. Both were discussing my press conference as I walked in. Reus came over and shook my hand, a boyish grin on his face.

"I know they say the Spanish senioritas were fiery... but you were something else, boss"
"Ja, we'd better watch our backs!" joked Ter Stegen, with a deep laugh.
Over the next twenty minutes, the rest of the team filed in. The squad had been named by the assistant before today, so all I was there to do was to address the team for the HSV match.
"Look, boys. I know my appointment's a shock to many of you. But, it doesn't matter today. Form doesn't matter today. All that matters, is going out there and giving your all. For the club, for it's fans. Beating HSV will send a message. Now, go out there and do it!"

As I stood in the tunnel alongside Heinemann, who was under pressure. It showed. It was common knowledge that, if he didn't win this match, he was out the door. As the teams came out, I spotted the big screen, and a face I'd recognise anywhere. Joseba! He'd probably come to headhunt the HSV job. Deep down, I didn't blame him.

As my name was announced over the tannoy, there was a smattering of applause. Even wolf whistles from the HSV fans. I quickly shut them out and focused on the game. Straight from the off, I could see what I'd let myself into. Within 9 minutes, Petric broke clean through the defence and slotted past Ter Stegen for 1-0.
Jesus, no wonder these lot are bottom, I thought.
From the off, however, their heads didn't go down, and after a couple of good chances, Reus bombed down the right, beating two HSV players and drifting in a ball to the back post for Juan Arango to poke home. 1-1, within half an hour of going behind.
There was a ripple of belief now running through the team. Reus saw a 25 yard rocket crash off the post, and Hanke couldn't beat Drobny in the HSV goal. Then, on the brink of half-time, Josh King recieved the ball 30 yards out, looked up, and bent it clean around Drobny to nestle in the far corner. 2-1. The stadium erupted as the half-time whistle blew.

I walked back down the tunnel to the dressing rooms. The team was there, waiting.
"Well done, that was a brilliant show of belief from all of you. But it's not over. There's still 45 minutes to go. Don't get complacent. It's in your hands now boys, make the 3 points safe!"
A round of applause mixed with the clatter of boots as the team made it back out onto the pitch, and the ref blew to start the second half.
From the off, HSV already looked beaten. Heinemann looked resigned to the fact that he'd be losing his job. Hanke nearly capitalised on a misplaced pass, but he could only steer his shot wide from 9 yards. As the clock neared 90 minutes, Petric broke through, almost carbon-copy of the chance he scored earlier. As he went to strike it however, he looked up to place his shot, which was the exact moment the ball bobbled.
The HSV striker airshotted and collapsed, right in front of the baying Nordkurve. The jeers rang out around the ground as Ter-Stegen looked to launch it. The ref checked his watch, and blew for full-time.

"Well boys, you did it. You proved you can win. You proved you can play like the best. Marco, Josh, Juan - you were fantastic out there today. Enjoy a celebration, you've earnt it." The players looked pleased as they left the dressing room for their various sports cars. I stepped outside, lit a cigarette (I told myself I'd quit when football gets less stressful), opened my phone and launched speed-dial.

"Hola, Perdedor. Inconspicuous as always. Still want that HSV job, Seb?"
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This is really something. I follow a lot ( and when i mean a lot i mean around 10-15) of these stories on domestic forum, but this one is class. Love it, subbing, liking :D
This is really something. I follow a lot ( and when i mean a lot i mean around 10-15) of these stories on domestic forum, but this one is class. Love it, subbing, liking :D

Really great to hear that mate :)
looks interesting. will defo follow
in hope to see some good clashes :)

bundesliga <3
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Chapter 4 Part II
A silver lining to every cloud...

Sitting in the north stand of Borussia Park I cannot believe my eyes. The full time whistle blew almost twenty minutes ago yet I was still unable to leave the stadium. My knees felt week and my head was pounding in frustration. Just over two hours ago I seen Daniella being presented to the crowd as the new Gladbach manager and soon after the players carried her off the pitch after pulling off a miraculous win. That should be me down there I thought. I find the strenght to get up and leave the stadium. I make my way to the Palace St. George which is just a stone throw away from the stadium. A fan at the match said it was the best place in all of Germany to get beer. My phone begins to ring, I dont even look at the screen as I know who it is.
"Hola, Perdedor. Still want that HSV job, Seb?"
"Hola Danni, oh im not too sure about that, I wouldnt want to show you up"
"As if Seb, are you afraid I would beat you again like in the University?"
"You only won because you got lucky perra"
"More like you couldnt concentrate because you were drunk"

"I wasnt drunk I tell you, I had food poisoning, thats why I vomited on the sideline"
"Whatever Seb, Im off to celebrate. Good luck finding a job you dole ******"
And with that she hung up the phone.

I finally awake to the noise of a knock on my door and the schreeching noise "Haushalt". It takes me a moment to compose myself and realise that the maid is outside looking to clean the room. I look around and all I can see is empty beer bottles everywhere. I stagger across the room and open the door. The maid shakes her head in disbelief at the state of the room. I let her in and explain that im going for a shower. Ten minutes pass after I got out of the shower and the hotel phone rang. A strong english voice is on the other end of the reciever and says " Hello Sir, I am Nigel Fairfax, General Manager of Palace St. George. I regret to inform you due to you breaking the house rules regarding alcohol consumption we must cut your stay short at our hotel. Can you please gather your things and check out." I am astonished but rather than cause a scene I reluctantly agree and pack up my case. Que puta mierda de un ama de case. If it wasnt for her I could enjoy my final day here but now I would be leaving a day early. I stroll across the road and into a cafe to get some coffee as I still feel a bit drunk. I look at a newspaper on the table and on the back page a face stares at me. Quite beautiful looking out through armani sunglases but i nearly choke on my drink. I just cant seem to escape Dannis fame. A host of top writer are calling her the new Messiah and already calling her the female Alex Ferguson. I struggle to fathom how the club could pick her as a manager over me. The next thing I read though makes me chuckle. Some reporter asked Sepp Blatter on his thoughts of Gladbachs new arrival and he replied by saying "It is a travesty, there is a place for women and that is in my kitchen making me a sandwich".

I decide to call Brad Wilkinson who I accepted as my agent a few weeks ago.
"Brad, please tell me some good news today"
"Well its nothing special but HSV have just sacked Thorsten Fink"
"Great, are there any leading candidates?"
"Im glad to say no, a lot of managers are distancing themselves from the post. They have gone through 7 coaches in the past 4 years"
"Nice, I should be in with a good shout. Can you arrange a interview for me?"
"Sure thing Joseba, I will get back to you as soon as I know more, bye"

Just over an hour has passed when I got the call. Brad informed me that the HSV board had noticed me attending the match against Gladbach and were impressed I showed interest in their post. I was to arrange transport to Hamburg within the hour to attend a formal interview. I was over the moon. I neglected to mention I attended the match preffering the Gladbach job as the team were focused. It was widely known about the in-fighting in the Hamburg dressing room. They were predicted to finish in the top 6 but somehow they were sitting in 14th after the Gladbach result. And in the tunnel after the match their keeper Drobny had been injured by another player in a fist fight. It was rumoured that he could be out for 2 months. None of this mattered to me though as I was over the moon at getting an offer. I let off the last of my Coffee and hail a taxi to the airport.
Hamburg here I come...

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Great Story, love the fact I'm a agent ;-)

And I also heard that Danielle's Team Talks are the best. "MOTM gets a prize off me" ;-)
Chapter 5:
Can I get fries with that?

I meet Brad outside the Imtech Arena. Iv seen pictures of the stadium but words cant describe how modern it looks. I pinch myself to see if I am dreaming or is this actually happening. I, Joseba Muniain could well be given my big break finally depending on the outcome of the next hour. I know I am a bit presumptious by bringing Brad with me but I am quite confident now. Brad greets me with a smile and says "Do us both proud in there". I just nod my head, keeping in character. "God im so pumped" I think to myself. I sit in the lobby and a lady in a smashing 2 piece suit tells me that Mr. Jarchow will be with me in a moment.
Carl-Edgar Jarchow is an imposing figure. He walks about with a certain grace about him, unusual for a politician. His hand is extended and I shake it gradually, I dont want to seem too keen. He welcomes me to 'his' Stadium. I accept his welcome and think, this guy is pretty full on. Mr. Jarchow asks me to refer to him as Carl and I do. I get in my groove now and Carl starts straight talking me. The interview was a breeze as all I was asked was what my aim would be if I got the job and what my plans would be in the medium to long term also. I basically lie through my teeth and I see HSV as a massive club who deserve to be on top and I wouldnt rest until they were there, thinking to myself if I got a better off I would be on the first plane out of here. Carl seems thrilled with my enthusiasm and what he says next shocks me. "I dont think there is much point in talking any more. I would like to offer you the managers position for 2 years. You show great character and I believe you can turn this club around." I am quite suprised and we leave the board room to go to my new office. Carl opens a bottle of Cognac and pours us both a drink while Brad and the club solicitor sort out the final details of my contract. The lady that greeted me earlier who I now know as Gretchen calls a few of the local media to arrange my press conference. Gretchen leaves the room as the cognac slips down my throat. I get a deep feeling of satisfaction. Hopefully Carl doesnt realise my one weakness in life...

I sit in the press room and await the oncoming journalists with Carl by my side. There are 20 chairs laid out for the various reporters on there way. Within 5 minutes the journalists all take their seats. Carl speaks up and welcomes them all here today. He rambles on for 5 minutes or so and just says how great it was to finally unveil me at the club and how I am so talented. Eventually he passes them over to me. I adress the media in my finest german dialect and say I will take their questions now.
Jurgen Kroos from Die Welt:
Mr. Muniain, we understand you have excellent coaching potential but with a relative lack of experience are you suprised to be here today?
Not at all, I have shown my ability when given the chance and I am delighted that Hamburg have given me the chance to prove myself on a bigger stage.
Gunter Haagens from Hamburg Daily Mail:
Joseba, how would you describe your coaching philosophy?
I believe football should be entertaining to watch so I shall promote attacking football. I also like to get very involved in team affairs.
I get through the questions with relative ease and before I know it the whole charade is over.

I leave the press room and go straight to my office to see how bad the team realy are. I was told there were problems but didnt realsie it was this bad. After looking over the net I wonder what I let myself in for. Despite sitting in mid table the teams morale was in pieces. There was even a fight in the dressing room the day of the Gladbach match. I had hardly any squad depth and what was there wasnt overly talented. What appeared to me was there was a lack of killer instinct at the club. There was no clinical finisher and the midfield wernt creative. What was most worrying was my first choice keeper was out for 3 months. I set to looking at the transfer market to see who was available. I may only have around 2M to spend but I was hoping to get 4 or 5 players in. I take a look at a couple of targets and set the wheels in motion. Just then I am distracted from my work. It was my phone ringing. I answer and hear Daniellas voice.
"Hey puta, congratulations on the job. Although I dont expect it will last for long".
Snide as always so I reply " We will see by the end of the season who finishes above who".
"Oh fighting talk Joseba, dont make promises you cant keep"
"I dont intend to break that promise Danni"
About 20 minutes of insults later
Danni says "Well I hear you are looking at taking Reus off my hands, forget about it"
"I wouldnt want any of your players, my squad is a lot stronger than yours"
"Sure Joseba, keep thinking that. By the way how many drinks have you had today?"
I lie and say " Actully none, I sorted myself out. Im focused on beating you"
"That wont happen. Anyway got to go, Goodbye loser".

And with that she hung up the phone.
Nice update mate, you complete alcoholic :P

Should have my update by Saturday.
Just pointing out, I'm in the middle of 3 exams in 3 days - so the update could be anytime between now and next week guys :)

Thanks for your patience and keep tuned! :D
Have you stopped this story Danny? I hope not its really good!
oh well never mind, was a good story though. And yeah I'm already following that one :)