Front 3 Not Functioning- Help

Jul 14, 2013
Reaction score
Ive started a game with Southampton, bags of potential but i cant seem to get my front three functioning.
Ive experimented with various player role combinations (at the moment 2 IF's and a poacher) but my attacking players have little impact on the game.
Please feel free to berate my tactical knowledge (or lack thereof) and any advice would be appreciated.
Thanks. View attachment 367720
When im creating a counter tactic, my tempo is really fast. Passing style is direct. Honestly, i dont have advance knowledge in tactics, but i think your tactic is contradicting itself badly.

What do you want? possesion? counter? or pure attacking?

If your wingers are your main focus and they're fast, make the passing focus to flanks..

maybe you can change your midfielders, DLP to Anchor Man/DM, CM > DLP..find suitable players
Counter doesnt work with shorter and (perhaps) pressing. I would at least change the shorter to more direct.

Also you have too many people ATTACKING and not enough SUPPORTING. As you set up its very easy to deal with you: just man mark your one mf on support and hard tackle and close down the other on auto and hey presto the front players are starved.

Id also turn one of the IFs into SUPPORT duty if not also turn him into an AM
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Make your striker a DLF, with Dyer as a winger (Both on attack). Make your right CM a BBM; and I'd put Simpson on a D role (Unless you have a better RB) and put Mino on A.
Yeah now that you say it it is a bit of a contradiction, i wanted to focus on keeping the ball and working it up to my IFs and i realise counter is probably not conducive to that, it's just that control never seems to work for me. Ive bought in what i hope is a proper playmaker so hopefully that'll help.

I hadn't thought of that yeah i literally have no one supporting, thanks ill change that now.

Ill give that a try, i have clyne but i find he tends to just run like a headless chicken and give the ball away, simpson doesn't offer as much going forward but i've found hes more solid, that's probably a controversial opinion.

Thanks for the advice, i'll probably just cop out and download one of Raikan's famed tactics but its appreciated either way.
Gaston is left footed, Dyer is right footed, playing them as IF's making them cut in isn't gonna work unless you switch sides.

My tactical knowledge of this game is average but if I were you if you want to counter attack I'd play 4-2-3-1 like this:

View attachment 368059

This way the whole team is working (support duties rather than attack) to win the ball back and start the counter.


You need a quick tempo for blistering pace, I don't know why the game automatically sets counter attack to slow tempo, its nonsensical.

Cork helps to break up play/bomb forward.

Lallana/Puncheon (or Dyer who I would play as Winger support rather than IF as he's right footed) are primarily for attacking but you could alter their mentality if you're leaking goals from wide areas, they will also track back with support duty.

Schneiderlin is the lynchpin of this team, he's Pirlo-Esque later in the game but more defensively astute, he'll basically sit, break up play and ping balls left, right and center when you've won the ball and are on the counter. Getting rid of player preferred move 'Gets forward whenever possible' and teaching him the killer balls one will help him in this role, set him as playmaker for the team.

All the others play their normal roles but the above I believe are the most important for a counter-attacking team.

Hope I've helped although I'm sure there are people that know more than me!
Gaston is left footed, Dyer is right footed, playing them as IF's making them cut in isn't gonna work unless you switch sides.

My tactical knowledge of this game is average but if I were you if you want to counter attack I'd play 4-2-3-1 like this:

View attachment 368059

This way the whole team is working (support duties rather than attack) to win the ball back and start the counter.


You need a quick tempo for blistering pace, I don't know why the game automatically sets counter attack to slow tempo, its nonsensical.

Cork helps to break up play/bomb forward.

Lallana/Puncheon (or Dyer who I would play as Winger support rather than IF as he's right footed) are primarily for attacking but you could alter their mentality if you're leaking goals from wide areas, they will also track back with support duty.

Schneiderlin is the lynchpin of this team, he's Pirlo-Esque later in the game but more defensively astute, he'll basically sit, break up play and ping balls left, right and center when you've won the ball and are on the counter. Getting rid of player preferred move 'Gets forward whenever possible' and teaching him the killer balls one will help him in this role, set him as playmaker for the team.

All the others play their normal roles but the above I believe are the most important for a counter-attacking team.

Hope I've helped although I'm sure there are people that know more than me!

Cheers you've certainly helped. There's so much potential in Southampton, it's why i chose them in the first place, it's just that my tactics seem to be stifling that potential. The recurring theme seems to be more supporting players; i've adjusted that so hopefully we can push on now.
Hey eoin, how can i customize those toolbars at the top?

EDIT: Nevermind, found it..