game glitch since championship manager series

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Feb 7, 2010
Reaction score
Does anybody know of this glitch?

when your players perform badly, eg. lower ratings than 6.4 you can fine him for issue a warning "poor performance".

He the game will then generate three different options, 1. Feels fine was harsh, 2 Accepts warning without comments or 3 Try to motivate him self for future matches.

when the third option is being given your player often gain +1 determination och +1 workrate or maybe even both depending on his personality I guess.

now the glich is that you can fine him as many tims as you like untill the next match. this way his determinatin and workrate can be raised to 16 if the option with try to motivate him selfs shows upp a couple of times.
Never knew this, but may try it. :)
Do that. let me know if it works. also it has to be said that the "feels warning was harsh" doesnt seem to have any significant effect on your player as long as his rating was 6.4 or lower
Are the attribute changes relatively permenant? Or do they wear off over time?
they are permanent. althou I've noticed in few cases that some players drop other attributes beacuse of the too much upgrade to the workrate and determination attributes. but rarely happens. can imagine this happen to those players that already have "unlikely to improve in the future"
o.O... i didnt know this until i read this thread... will give it a try!! :)
just tried it on Mesut Özil, who has low on both determination and workrate, got it up to 16 without problems.
Never heard of this, seen this anywhere or noticed this ever in playing the game. Shall test it tonight to see if it works here, certainly interesting anyway!
Its kind of like how if you drive around in a car the game will spawn loads of that car, no matter where in Liberty City you are.

SI aren't perfect y'know
of course they arent, but this seems like something quite simple for them to fix, I just think that they are unaware of this glitch